# File: nearyDoggo.py # Author: Michael Neary # Date: 10/07/2016 # Section: Lecture 07 # Email: mneary1@umbc.edu # Description: # I am running a kennel, and need to organize all the doggos that I have. # My assistants are helping me by answering questions that I have for them. def main(): print("Welcome to my kennel!") NUM_DOGS = 5 dogList = [] kennel = [None]*NUM_DOGS print("First assistant, tell me the names of the doggos I have.") for d in range(NUM_DOGS): doggy = input("Enter the name of the doggo: ") dogList.append(doggy) print("The dogs I have are: ", dogList) print("Kennel:", kennel) print("Second assistant, where are my doggos?") for i in range(len(dogList)): kennelIndex = int(input("Where is the " + dogList[i] + "?: ")) kennel[kennelIndex] = dogList[i] print("Kennel:", kennel) for i in range(len(kennel)): kennel[i] = "German Shepard" print("Kennel:", kennel) main()