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Conditionals Lab

James MacGlashan & Sue Evans

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Objectives for today's lab:

Step 0: Setup

The first step is to create a lab4 folder in your cs201/labs directory and make a file to start programming.

From your home directory :

cd 201/labs
mkdir lab4
cd lab4
emacs &

Step 1 - What's a perfect number ?

Your task for lab 4 is to write a program that determines whether a number the user enters is a perfect number or not.

A perfect number is a positive integer that is equal to the sum of its divisors (excluding itself).
For example, the divisors of 6 are 1, 2 and 3. Since 6 = 1 + 2 + 3, 6 is a perfect number. The next three perfect numbers are 28, 496 and 8128.

Step 2 - How do I do that ?

Bonus Step - Coodinates on a X/Y Plane

Use emacs to write that prompts the user to input x-y coordinates of a point in a Cartesian plane.

  1. For the Lab 4 bonus, you will prompt a user for two values (x and y) to determine where that point lies either in a quadrant, origin, or on an axis. Use the chart above.
  2. To start you will prompt the user for the following information
    • x (x coordinate)
    • y (y coordinate)
  3. Based on the input information, the program should tell the user whether the point is located in:
    • the origin
    • x axis
    • y axis
    • Quadrant 1
    • Quadrant 2
    • Quadrant 3
    • Quadrant 4