Rules for ITE 240 - A lab shared by many classes for TAs' office hours 1. Observe all the University and Departmental policies regarding the use of the University's and the Department's computer and laboratory facilities. 2. No Food or Drinks Allowed in the Lab. Absolutely! Never! 3. Do not log in to multiple machines, especially when there are students waiting for access to the lab. 4. Be respectful of others working in the lab. DO NOT create disturbances (e.g. don't be noisy, don't play audible music, etc). 5. CMSC 421 related activities have priority. This is because they have special requirements that limit them to this lab, while there are designated OIT Labs across campus that provide general computer access. 6. Observe the TA hours in the lab. Students are only allowed to work during the TA lab hours. Sign in with the TA when you arrive. You must leave the lab when the TA goes off duty - no excuses, no exceptions! 7. Report offenders of lab rules to the instructional staff. 8. Report any suspicious activity to the instructional staff or the Campus police, as appropriate. 9. The lab is provided to you by the University for your benefit. Take good care of it! Do not abuse it! 10. Repeated offenses might result in shutting down the laboratory for everybody.