Fall '06

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CMSC 201
Programming Project Four

The Knight's Tour

Out: Tuesday 11/7/06
Due Date: Sunday 11/19/06, before midnight

The design document for this project, design4.txt, is due: Before Midnight, Sunday 11/12/06

The Objective

The purpose of this assignment is to give you practice with arrays, command-line arguments, file handling, and recursion.

The Background

A chess board is an 8x8 grid of squares. A knight in chess moves around the board according to one of the following rules:
<Knight's Tour Animation>
A knight's tour starts by convention in the upper-left square (position [0,0]), and moves around the board using legal knight moves, such that every square is visited exactly once.  A closed knight's tour returns to the starting square. Here's a link with more information about the Knight's Tour problem. If you really want to know more about the nuts and bolts of the mathematics behind the Knight's Tour (and similar math puzzles), try the MathWorld page on the subject.

The Task

Your task is to write a program that will find a legal knight's tour (not necessarily a closed knight's tour) for a given board size, assuming that one exists.  If no solution is found, then the program should print a message indicating that no legal solution exists.

Your program should use recursion to implement a backtracking search solution to this problem.  Backtracking search works by starting from the initial position [0,0] and generating a list of successor moves.  These moves are tried, one at a time.  Each move generates a new position, which then leads to another set of successor moves.  This process continues until either (a) a solution is found (the board has been entirely filled), or (b) a dead end is reached.  Backtracking refers to the behavior of the program if a dead end is encountered (i.e., if the knight reaches a position where no legal moves remain--because all reachable squares have already been visited) before a solution is found. In this case, the recursive function will "bottom out" and should return a failure signal to the calling function.  The recursion will "unwind" in this way to a point on the board where there is another legal move to try.  If recursion "unwinds" all the way to the starting point, and no legal moves remain, then no solution exists.

The size of the board will be specified by two command-line arguments, as described below. The program should work for any positive integer-valued board dimensions.  Here is a program trace showing how recursive backtracking search would work for a small 3x3 board.  Note that the program records an unvisited board space with a "0" at that position on the board, and a visited space with the order in which it was visited.  The program starts at [0,0], indicating that first square by recording a "1" in array position [0,0]. It then tries the first move it finds, which is to move the knight to [1,2] (recorded as "2").  This puts the program into a series of "single-choice" boards, where it only has one possible move.  After 7 moves, at the 8th level of recursion, one square (the center square) is still empty, but it can't move there.  It backtracks to the last move where it had more than one choice, which was the very first move, and tries the other choice, [2,1].  This leads to the same impasse: after 7 moves, the center square is empty, but the knight can't reach it.  At this point, there are no more moves to try, and the program gives up.

% a.out
 [0] trying 0, 0
  [1] trying 1, 2
   [2] trying 2, 0
    [3] trying 0, 1
     [4] trying 2, 2
      [5] trying 1, 0
       [6] trying 0, 2
        [7] trying 2, 1

Here's what the board looks like after the first seven moves:


There are no moves remaining, but the tour is incomplete. At this point, the program backtracks to the very first move (which was the only move where there was more than one choice). Here's what the board looks like after backtracking to the first move:


  [1] trying 2, 1
   [2] trying 0, 2
    [3] trying 1, 0
     [4] trying 2, 2
      [5] trying 0, 1
       [6] trying 2, 0
        [7] trying 1, 2

Here's what the board looks like after trying the final seven moves, just before it backtracks all the way to the start, and discovers there are no moves remaining:



No solution found for 3 rows and 3 columns!

Program Requirements

Program Hints

Sample Run

% a.out Usage: a.out ROWS COLS OUTPUTFILE % a.out 3 3 3x3soln.txt % cat 3x3soln.txt No solution found for 3 rows and 3 columns! Number of moves generated: 14 Number of moves tried: 14 % a.out 3 7 3x7soln.txt % cat 3x7soln.txt 1 4 7 18 15 10 13 6 19 2 9 12 21 16 3 8 5 20 17 14 11 Number of moves generated: 3825 Number of moves tried: 3818 % a.out 6 6 6x6soln.txt % cat 6x6soln.txt 1 8 5 20 3 10 6 19 2 9 34 21 15 28 7 4 11 32 18 25 16 33 22 35 29 14 27 24 31 12 26 17 30 13 36 23 Number of moves generated: 183667 Number of moves tried: 183634 %

Submitting the Program

To submit your program, type the following command at the Unix prompt

submit cs201 Proj4 followed by the .c and .h files necessary for compilation

To verify that your project was submitted, you can execute the following command at the Unix prompt. It will show all files that you submitted in a format similar to the Unix 'ls' command.

submitls cs201 Proj4


Thanks to Matt Gaston for providing an earlier version of this assignment.  Knights Tour animation borrowed from Dan Thomasson.

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Wednesday, 25-Oct-2006 10:40:39 EDT