CMSC 291u - Introduction to UNIX - Spring 2003 - HW 3
Out: Monday February 3rd       Due: Friday February 7th

Since HW 2 was fairly long, I shortened this one to compensate. Please do all of the email from within pine. I can look at the entire email message header and tell if you used pine or some other client, such as webmail.

  1. Send yourself a message from within your GL account using Pine. Enter "cmsc291u - hw3 - part1" as the subject line. Enter some very short text into the message body.
  2. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc291u - hw3 - part2" as the subject line. This time I want you to ATTACH (as an attachment and not part of the message body) the file "/afs/"
  3. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc291u - hw3 - part3" as the subject line. We are going to send the same file as the last problem ("/afs/"), but this time I want it READ into the body of the email.
  4. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc291u - hw3 - part4" as the subject line. I want you to read in the file "/afs/". You will notice that the words run off the right side of the screen. I want you fix this problem using the justify command within pine.
  5. Create a signature file for your GL account. You may put whatever you want in it, typical conventions suggest that your total signature file be 4 lines or less.
  6. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc291u - hw3 - part5" as the subject line. You need not actually add any text to the body of the message. You should however see your signature file read in and I want you to leave that in the message.
  7. Now we are going to write some files to disk. I want you to make sure that Display of full headers is on. Issue the command to do this within pine.
  8. I want you to EXPORT (meaning save to a file) the messages with the subjects "cmsc291u - hw3 - part1" & "cmsc291u - hw3 - part2" to a file called "msgs". You may get asked if you want to overwrite or append - choose APPEND.
  9. I want you to SAVE (meaning save to a folder) both messages with the subject "cmsc291u - hw3 - part3", "cmsc291u - hw3 - part4" and "cmsc291u - hw3 - part5" to a folder called "hw3". You should be asked if you want to create the folder go ahead and answer "Y" for yes.
  10. You are now done with the assignment. You will be submitting this electronically using the following submit command... "submit cs291u proj3 ~/../Mail/hw3 ~/msgs .signature". As always double check and make sure that it was actually submitted using the submitls command. Refer to HW2 for an example using submit.
  11. Lastly it is recommended that you cleanup the files that we created in the process of doing this assignment. You can remove the files "~/msgs" and "~/../Mail/hw3". You also created the signature file, if you want to remove that.

Daniel J. Hood
Last modified: Sun Feb 2 18:25:50 EST 2003