CMSC 121 - Introduction to UNIX - Fall 2004 - HW 2
Out: Tuesday October 5th       Due: Thursday October 7th

Please do all of the email from within pine. I can look at the entire email message header and tell if you used pine or some other client, such as webmail.

  1. Send yourself a message from within your GL account using Pine. Enter "cmsc121 - hw2 - part1" as the subject line. Enter some very short text into the message body.
  2. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc121 - hw2 - part2" as the subject line. This time I want you to ATTACH (as an attachment and not part of the message body) the file "/afs/"
  3. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc121 - hw2 - part3" as the subject line. We are going to send the same file as the last problem ("/afs/"), but this time I want it READ into the body of the email.
  4. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc121 - hw2 - part4" as the subject line. I want you to read in the file "/afs/". You will notice that the words run off the right side of the screen. I want you fix this problem using the justify command within pine.
  5. Create a signature file for your GL account. You may put whatever you want in it, typical conventions suggest that your total signature file be 4 lines or less.
  6. Send yourself another message from within your GL account using pine. Enter "cmsc121 - hw2 - part5" as the subject line. You need not actually add any text to the body of the message. You should however see your signature file read in and I want you to leave that in the message.
  7. Now we are going to write some files to disk. I want you to make sure that Display of full headers is on. Issue the command to do this within pine.
  8. I want you to EXPORT (meaning save to a file) the messages with the subjects "cmsc121 - hw2 - part1" & "cmsc121 - hw2 - part2" to a file called "msgs". You may get asked if you want to overwrite or append - choose APPEND.
  9. I want you to SAVE (meaning save to a folder) both messages with the subject "cmsc121 - hw2 - part3", "cmsc121 - hw2 - part4" and "cmsc121 - hw2 - part5" to a folder called "hw2". You should be asked if you want to create the folder go ahead and answer "Y" for yes.
  10. Exit pine and issue the command "ls -l ~/../Mail/hw2/* >> msgs"
  11. You are now done with the assignment. You will be submitting this electronically by attaching the following files in pine and emailing me the assignment to ""... "~/msgs" and ".signature".
  12. Lastly it is recommended that you cleanup the files that we created in the process of doing this assignment. You can remove the files "~/msgs" and the directory "~/../Mail/hw2". You also created the signature file, if you want to remove that.

Daniel J. Hood
Last modified: Tue Oct 5 18:57:34 EDT 2004