Sample Gradeform

               CMSC 104 : Problem Solving and Computer Programming 
               Project #1 (Grade Calculator)
               Due:    November 8, 2009, before 11:59 p.m.
Login ID: astuden1
Section # : 1
Submit date and time:  20:33 11-8-2009

Specific points values for Project 1:

Correctness - Section 1 - (52 points)

	 4  points - a) Scans in values for each homework
	 3  points - b) Scans in values for each project 
	 3  points - c) Scans in values for each exam
	 10 points - d) Calculates correct percentage
	 8  points - e) Displays percentage to only 2 decimal places
	 10 points - f) Displays correct letter grade
	 5  points - g) Uses parseInt() rather than parseFloat()
	 5  points - h) Has correct DOCTYPE 
	 4  points - i) All variables are declared using var

Style  - Section 2 - (16 points)

	4 points - Use of adequate whitespace
                   a) Separates logical sections of code with
                        blank lines
                   b) Blank spaces around operators
                   c) Identation is only 2 to 3 spaces deep per level
	           d) Code should fit in a screen width of 80 chars
	4 points - Indentation of comments evenly with the surrounding
                   e) Comments should line up exactly above the
                        code being commented
                   f) Endline comments should only be used for
	4 points - Use of either Student or Bell Labs indentation style
                   as per Indentation styles found on 201 web pages
                   g) Uses one acceptable style consistently
                   h) Uses braces for if/while/for clauses even if
                        only 1 statement
-4	4 points - Use of naming conventions per CS104 Style sheet
		   i) Uses meaningful variables names
                   j) Separate "words" within identifiers with
                        underscores or mixed upper and lower case
                   k) Variable names begin with lowercase

Documentation - Section 3 - (12 points) 

	2 points - a) Filename given in file header comment
	2 points - b) Author's name given in file header comment
	2 points - c) Date written given in file header comment
	2 points - d) UMBC Email address given in file header comment
	4 points - e) Adeq. file/prog. descrip. given in file 
	              header comment

Execution - Section 4 - 20 points

	20 points - a) Program has no syntax errors

Extra Credit
	5 points - a) Uses document.write() instead of alert
	              Must include a list of all grades entered	
	              and be nicely formatted/styled.
Pts. lost:   -4
Score:       96/100



2j) For example, finalgrade should be finalGrade or final_grade.