CMSC 104 Fall 2009

Arrays Lab


The Lab Assignment

You are going to create arrays and manipulate arrays that are returned from functions. Ideally, you will complete the entire lab during the lab period, but this may not be possible. The problems vary in difficulty from easiest to most difficult. Thus, if you are confident in your abilities, you can start at the end and go backwards. Otherwise, you can start at the beginning and get as far as you can get. The lab consists of creating one to three web pages.

Web page one

  1. Split is a method that is called by a string object and returns an array of Strings. A good reference for split can be found by going to

  2. Split can have no arguments, one arguments, or two arguments. See the following example.

    var str="How are you doing today?";
    document.write(str.split() + "<br />");
    document.write(str.split(" ") + "<br />");
    document.write(str.split("") + "<br />");
    document.write(str.split(" ",3));

  3. The previous code generates the following output:
  4. How are you doing today?
    H,o,w, ,a,r,e, ,y,o,u, ,d,o,i,n,g, ,t,o,d,a,y,?

  5. Using split, create a web page the prompts the user for their full name and then prints it in the format "lastname, firstname middlename".

Web page two

  1. You will find six images of a die on the internet which represent the values 1- 6 at the following web site Create an array using the image names. Remember the images should be stored in the same location as the web page unless you want to use a relative or absolute path to access them.
  2. Prompt the user for the number of dice they would like to roll.
  3. Generate a random number between 1 and 6 for each die.The method for generating a random number in Java Script is below. You may want to consider using the Math.ceil() or Math.floor() functions for rounding.
  4. var value = Math.random();
    document.write(value + "<br />");

  5. The previous code generates the following output:
  6. 0.11275787446612806

  7. Display an image for each die that was rolled and then display the sum of all the dice. The code for inserting an image into a web page is below:
  8. <img src="image1.gif"/>

  9. Sample Screen Shots

Web page three

You spent $80.45 on different quantities of three of your favorite things. Each one of your favorite things costs $6.99, $4.99, and $2.19. You bought a total of 15 items. Write a program using nested loops that can tell you how many items of each of your favorite things you bought and display result in a web page.

Last Modified: Tuesday, 08-Dec-2009 13:43:43 EST