UMBC CMSC 104 * CSEE | 104 | current 104

Section 0301 (Tentative) Lecture Schedule

*** You will be notified of any changes to this schedule ***

9/2 Fr L1  Introduction --- Get your myUMBC account
9/9 Fr L2 , L2A  Machine Architecture, Number Systems 1.1 - 1.2 ---
9/12 Mon L3   Operating Systems & Using Linux Meeting in ECS122A HW1 out (e-mail exercise)
9/16 Fr L4  Review of Number Systems --- HW1 due, HW2 out
9/19 Mon L5  Algorithms I Meeting in MP 008 ---
9/23 Fr L6  Algorithms II 1.4 - 1.5 HW2 due
9/26 Mon L5  Algorithms II 1.4 - 1.5 HW3 out
9/30 Fr L6  Algorithms III 1.4 - 1.5 ---
10/3 Mon ---  More Algorithms --- HW3 due 
10/7 Fr L7  Introduction to C 2.1 - 2.4, 2.6 ---
10/10 Mon L8  Variables in C 2.1 - 2.4 ---
10/14 Fr EXAM  Exam 1 (Room ACVI 008) --- ---
10/17 Mon LAB 3  The C Compiler Meeting in ECS122A  
10/21 Fr L9  Arithmetic Operators 2.5 ---
10/24 Mon L10   Relational Operators 4.2 - 4.4  
10/28 Fr L11  while Loops 5A.1 - 5A.3 P1 Out
10/31 Mon L12  More Loops 5A.4 - 5A.6 ---
11/4 Fr L13  Assignment Operators 5A.3 - 5A.4 ---
11/7 Mon L14  switch 4.8 P1 Due,  P2 Out
11/11 Fr ---  Lab Exercise (switch, for loops) --- ---
11/14 Mon L15  Function I --- ---
11/18 Fr EXAM  Exam 2  (Room ACVI 008) --- P2 Due, P3 Out
11/21 Mon L16  Functions II 3.2 - 3.5 ---
11/25 Fr ---  No class. Happy Thanksgiving!! --- ---
11/28 Mon L17  Functions III 3.1 - 3.5 P3 Due, P4 Out
12/2 Fr L18  Arrays I 6.1 - 6.5 ---
12/5 Mon L19  Arrays II 6.1 - 6.5 ---
12/9 Fr L20  Searching & Sorting 6.6 - 6.8 P4 Due
12/12 Mon L21  Incremental Programming / Review 5.1 - 5.5 ---
12/16 Fr EXAM  Final Exam  Room MP-101 1:00pm

Last Modified:  28-OCT-2005