$! GET_ME_OFF.COM - Kill all other logins on the current node $! $! Author: Peter Johansson (peter@cs.umbc.edu) $! $! This file is intended for informational purposes only - Execute it at $! your own risk. All code Copyright (C) 1993 by Peter Johansson. $! $! Non-commercial use unrestricted so long as all attributions remain $! intact. That is, if you use any part or parts of this code, I want $! credit for my work. $! $! --- begin origonal file --- $! $! This .COM file logs out all users signed onto the account that this $! program is run from, except the user who actually runs this program. $! $! This is handy if you get your terminal into an infinite loop, use $! INUSE ][ and forget your password, or see an unauthorized user on $! on your account. $! $ set noon $ on control_y then goto done $ privs = f$setprv("noworld,nogroup") $ bell[0,32] = 7 $ context = "" $ master = f$getjpi ("", "master_pid") $ loop: $ pid = f$pid(context) $ if pid .eqs. "" then goto done $ if f$getjpi (pid, "master_pid") .eqs. master then goto loop $! Unauthorized user! $ if f$getjpi (pid, "master_pid") .nes. pid then goto loop !ignore subprocesses $ write sys$output "Logging out process/name: " + f$getjpi (pid, "prcnam") + bell $ stop/id='pid' $ goto loop $ done: $ exit