CMSC-791 Computer Chess: Assignments (under development)

Assignment 1: WWW Page and Literature Search

Initial version due: Wednesday, September 13, 1995;
Final version due: Wednesday, December 6, 1995.
  1. Briefly summarize what you currently know about computer chess as of September 1, 1995.

  2. Using all available research sources (including--but not limited to--search tools available through the Netscape browsing program), search for interesting materials on computer chess. Report your findings through a WWW (World Wide Web) page written in html. Email the URL to your page to each of the instructors.

  3. From your WWW page, identify the seven most interesting sources you found. For each source, briefly explain its significance.

  4. Also from your page, list seven interesting and significant research questions dealing with computer chess. State each question in a precise, focused, and well-defined fashion. For each question, briefly explain why it is interesting, significant, and nontrivial. In your project, you will choose one such question to explore.

  5. List three possible papers you may wish to present to the class (you will be required to present only one). For each paper, briefly explain why the paper interest you.

Assignment 2: Paper Presentation

Due: ??
Proposal, Presentations, Suppporting Materials

Assignment 3: Project

Due: ??
Proposal, Progress Report, Oral Presentaion, Final Report.