CMSC-791 Computer Chess: Additional Course Information

Required Work

Each student will be required to read all assigned papers, actively participate in all class discussions, present one or more research papers, and complete a substantial original research project on any aspect of computer chess. Each student must write and present a project report. Students are encouraged to (but not required to) undertake projects that involve systems building or experimental work.

Grading Policy

Semester grades will be weighted as follows:

Computer Facilities

Students in the seminar will have access to UMBC's computer systems, including SGI Indy and Crimson Workstations, Sun SparcStations, a 20-processor SGI Challenge machine, and a CRAY~YMP-EL.

Academic Misconduct

Each student is expected to be familiar with all University and Department policies on academic misconduct. An egregious type of academic misconduct is plagiarism, which in each of its many forms involves representing somebody else's work as your own. Violations of academic honesty will be dealt with severely.

ATS, JCM 8/11/95