CMSC671, Homework2 Background and Design Guidance


Sudoku is a game that consists of an NxN grid or array.  The cells in this array are arranged into blocks.  The standard game consists of 9 (3x3) blocks of 9 (3x3) cells each.  The simple games we'll solve in this assignment consist of 4 (2x2) blocks of 4 (2x2) cells each.  In general, if there are XBLOCKS x YBLOCKS blocks, then each block will contain YBLOCKS x XBLOCKS cells.  Here are some examples of possible Sudoku grids, with the blocks delineated by heavier lines:
<sudoko grids>

Each cell will contain a number from 1 to XBLOCKS*YBLOCKS.  In a solved Sudoku game, every row, column, and block must contain exactly one of each number.  That is, every cell must be filled with a number, and there can be no duplicated numbers in any row, column, or block.

Here are a couple of definitions that you'll need:
For a given initial game state, there will be zero or more associated goal states.  Each of these goal states satisfies the following conditions: (a) the goal state must be a legal solution state, and (b) any cell that is non-empty in the initial game state must contain that same value in the goal state.


You should download the file sudoku-basics.lisp. Read the documentation in the file thoroughly to be sure that you understand the code. The file includes a definition for the game CLOS class; a function to create a new game instance; and a number of utility, debugging/logging, and I/O functions.

A couple of notes on the Lisp code in this file:

Notes on Coding in Lisp

Because Lisp is an interpreted language, it's very easy to test code fragments. I highly recommend testing every function independently before moving on to the next one (as opposed to writing all of your code, loading it all in, and starting to debug the whole thing at once). You can debug bottom-up by testing low-level functions thoroughly before testing the higher-level functions that call them. You can also debug top-down by writing "stub" functions at lower levels that serve as place holders for the low-level functions, allowing you to test the higher-level functions and the overall structure of the code before adding the low-level functions.  The variable *solved* contains the simplest possible case -- a board that has already been solved -- so you may want to use this for your initial debugging.  From there, you can progress to *easy-test*, which contains a board with only one empty slot.

Implementation Suggestions

This approach is one suggested way to develop your implementation. You should read this entire section before you get started These notes are just an overview; you'll still need to figure out how to design the pieces and "glue" them together to have a working system. 

The code I have provided contains some helper macros called BLOCK-GROUPS, ROW-GROUPS, and COLUMN-GROUPS.  Given a game board, these macros will each generate a list of lists.  Each of these lists contains the numbers in one of the blocks, rows, or columns on the board (which must be consistent in size with the current definitions of XBLOCKS and YBLOCKS, as defined earlier (and defined with defvar in sudoku-basics.lisp).  You should try these out on the sample boards I have given you.

Once you  understand these macros, you can use them to write a "constraint checking" function, LEGALP, that tests to see whether the board is a legal board. Now it should be easy to write the GOALP function, which takes one argument (a game instance) and returns T if the specified game board is in the goal state. Test this function on the test games provided.  Note that you will also need a way to determine how many legal choices there are for each cell, in order to write the best-first search heuristic, so you might want to think about that when designing the LEGALP function.

The next thing to think about is designing the operators (i.e., writing the EXPAND function to generate the successor states).  At any given point in the search, you can fill in a single square with a single value.  I'm leaving the design of this up to you, since there are a number of perfectly reasonable ways to do this.  One important thing to think about is when you want to test for the legality of a state. For example, you could simply loop across the game board, trying to apply each of the operators (i.e., each of the XBLOCKS * YBLOCKS values) to each of the empty board locations, testing the resulting game board using the LEGALP function, and collecting a list of resulting states.  Alternatively, you could use some more "intelligent" approach to pre-compute the possible legal values, and reduce the amount of work that EXPAND has to do.  For this assignment, as long as your code is working and reasonably efficient, it doesn't matter to me how you implement this function.
At this point, you should be ready to write the BASIC-SEARCH function as given in Russell & Norvig's Figure 3.9. Note that the queueing function is sent into this function -- the best way to do this is to send in the function binding, e.g., #'q-bfs, and use (funcall q-fn ARG ...) to invoke the queuing function.

Detecting repeated states is important in this domain, and you'll need to be able to run your code with and without checking for repeated states in order to gather the data I have asked for.  You may want to have this function maintain a CLOSED list (list of nodes that have been expanded) as well as the usual OPEN list. You'll probably want a separate function to detect repeated states and remove them from the list of new nodes, or you could do this check in the EXPAND function. (Note that the code has ARRAY-EQUAL, which can be used to test whether two game boards are the same.)  To make repeated state checking optional, you can add an optional argument repeated-state-p to your search functions, which defaults to NIL but can be set to T to turn on repeated state checking.

You should also keep track of the cumulative number of generated and expanded nodes, since you'll need to report those in your final results. This function should return a list of four things: either the symbol 'SUCCESS or 'FAIL, the goal node found, the number of created nodes, and the number of expanded nodes. You can then use these results to print a summary of the search.

Write Q-BFS (the breadth-first function to be called by BASIC-SEARCH) and BFS (a wrapper that invokes BASIC-SEARCH with Q-BFS). Write Q-DFS (the depth-first queuing function to be called by BASIC-SEARCH) and DFS (a wrapper that invokes BASIC-SEARCH with Q-DFS). These functions should just be a line or two each.

Finally, if you want to make use of the aima (textbook) code repository, you should notice that they use DEFSTRUCT for defining the problems. The code I have provided uses DEFCLASS for the same purpose. Both have similar functionality in Lisp, except that defstruct (automatically) defines a constructor function that is used to create instances of the structure created by defstruct. The default name is make-structure-name. The general search function and the specific search algorithms in the aima code follow the structure you have been asked to implement for this homework (they reflect the algorithms in the book). You might want to take a look at the general-search function for help. If you decide to use code from the repository you will have to represent the problem (sudoku) appropriately and make sure you have the same test cases (*test1* through *test9*).