Paper Presentation Guidelines
CMSC 671, Fall 2010

Each student will select a recent or classic AI research paper and give a 10-minute presentation on the ideas in this paper. You may find that you need to (or wish to) read other related papers for background and context.

Selecting a Paper

The paper may be on any topic we have discussed in class, or another AI topic with Dr. desJardins's approval. Good sources of papers are the additional reading sections in Russell & Norvig; recent conferences, such as AAAI, IJCAI, ICML, AAMAS, and ICAPS; AI-related journals, such as JAIR, AI Journal, JAAMAS, MLJ, and JMLR; and "classic paper" lists from AAAI ( and JAIR ( Here is a list of some suggested papers from this year's AAAI conference:


The goals of the presentation are to: Some guidelines for the presentations:

Strategies for Selecting and Reading Papers

These strategies are useful in general when you start to do your own research, but should also give you some ideas as to how to find and read the paper that you'll present in this class.