CMSC 331 Principles of Programming Languages
Fall 2005 Examinations


Midterm examinations

The first midterm exam for Fall 2005 will be given in class on Thursday October 6. It will cover all of the material in the first five chapters of our textbook.

The second midterm examination will be given early in November and will cover Java.

Here are some samples of old midterm exams. Note that the material covered differs from semester to semester and instructor to instructor. You will not be held responsible for anything not in the first five chapters of the text or discussed in class. Review the material on the web including the notes linked to the syllabus.

Final Examination

The Fall 2005 final exam will be given at 3:30pm on Tuesday 20 December 2004 in LH8. It will be cumulative, covering all of the material in the semester. However, more weight will be given to material covered since the second midterm examination. The exam will only cover the material since the mid-term exam.