\documentstyle[12pt,times]{article} % -*- Mode:TeX -*- \addtolength{\oddsidemargin}{-0.7in} % \addtolength{\evensidemargin}{-0.2in} \setlength{\topmargin}{0in} \setlength{\headheight}{0in} \setlength{\headsep}{0in} \setlength{\topskip}{0in} % \setlength{\footheight}{0.2in} % \setlength{\footskip}{0.3in} \setlength{\textheight}{9.0in} \setlength{\textwidth}{6.5in} \footheight 12pt \footskip 30pt \begin{document} \newcommand{\classic}{{\sc classic}} \newcommand{\lisp}{{\sc lisp}} \begin{center} {\large\bf Classic Tutorial} \end{center} \bigskip The purpose of this tutorial is to familiarize you with the \classic\ knowledge representation system by walking you through the development of a fairly sophisticated knowledge base (KB) and asking you to add to it in several ways. This tutorial assumes that you have read through the \classic\ documentation (i.e., the paper ``Living with \classic'' and the reference manual) so that you are familiar with the basic concepts and capabilities of \classic. Going through this tutorial will let you practice using \classic\ constructs and draw your attention to subtleties that may not be obvious from the documentation. Because the knowledge base is fairly large, we have provided a few pictures to make clear what structures are being built and will refer to these in the course of the tutorial. The materials that we are using are under development, and the subject is complicated. So you will probably find errors, and areas where you think that there is room for improvement. We ask you to keep a list of these, and to send them to dlm@att.research.com and thomason@pogo.isp.pitt.edu. \subsection*{Where to find the Tutorial} The tutorial consists of a series of 5 modules, called ``lab-asg1.txt'', through ``lab-asg5.txt''. You can get the tutorial files through anonymous ftp to pogo.isp.pitt.edu. The files are stored in: \begin{verbatim} /usr/local/ai-tools/classic/kr/kr-lab/ \end{verbatim} The same directory contains the poscript files with the figures that show the KB being built. The files will be referenced in the modules. \subsection*{Customization} The organization of the files used in this tutorial is as follows: {\tt kr-lab} is the top-level directory containing \begin{itemize} \item the tutorial files {\tt lab-asg*.tex} \item The file {\tt tutorial-instructions.ps} containing this handout. \item The poscript files containing the KB figures \item The file {\tt Customize.lisp}. This file sets the value of the top-level directory for loading files and defines a function, {\tt lload}, which knows where to look for files. In most places you will be using {\tt lload} instead of {\tt load} to load files. By default, the top-level directory, stored in variable *topdir*, is the directory where the tutorial files are stored ({\tt kr-lab}) and {\tt lload} will look for files in subdirectories of *topdir*. You must set *topdir* in Customize.lisp to whatever directory in your space you have copied the tutorial into. \item The subdirectories {\tt Helper} and {\tt Recover}, that contain files that build the KB and help you recover to a known state if you make a mistake and can't get yourself back on track. \end{itemize} \subsection*{How to Get Through the Tutorial} Each of the files ``lab-asg*.txt'' contains step-by-step instructions for getting through that module. The first thing to do is to load the \classic\ system. Next, open an editor window on lab-asg1.txt and follow directions. \end{document}