HTML Test Math

MathML seems to have stopped working.
Use & ampersand notation insted of mathMl.

Here is an example[5] using the Math tags for HTML 4.0 from MathML

· E = ρ ϵ 0 × E = - B t c 2 × B = E t + j ϵ 0 · B = 0
Another math test

 {y = sum_i=1_^n^{11+x_i_}} 

Greek, preceed by ampersand, follow by semicolon.

alpha        α   α
Alpha        Α   Α
phi          φ     φ
Phi          Φ     Φ
omega        ω   ω
Omega        Ω   Ω
sigma        σ   σ
Sigma        Σ   Σ
delta        δ   δ
Delta        Δ   Δ
epsilon      &epsilon  ε
Epsilon      &Epsilon  Ε
subscript    A<sub>i,j</sub> Ai,j    or A_i,j
superscript  x<sup>2</sup> x2        or x^2

del          &nabla;   ∇  bold  
partial      &part;    ∂
function     &fnof;    ƒ
equivalence  &equiv;   ≡
dot          &bull;    •   bold  
for all      &forall;  ∀
exists       &exist;   ∃
infinity     &infin;   ∞
sum          &sum;     ∑
product      &prod;    ∏
element of   &isin;    ∈
intersection &cap;     ∩
union        &cup;     ∪
thus         &there4;  ∴
integrate    &int;     ∫

Now, try heading, H1, H2, H3  normal, then bold, then sup,sub

∇ ∫ ∑ ∇ ∫ab ∑ ∇2i=0

∇ ∫ ∑ ∇ ∫ ∑

∇ ∫ ∑ ∇ ∫ ∑