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Lecture 1 Number systems

Numbers are represented as the coefficients of powers of a base.
(in plain text, we use "^" to mean, raise to power or exponentiation)

With no extra base indication, expect decimal numbers:

         12.34   is a representation of

  1*10^1 + 2*10^0 + 3*10^-1 + 4*10^-2  or

    +  .04

Binary numbers, in NASM assembly language, have a trailing B or b.

     101.11B  is a representation of

  1*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 + 1*2^-1 + 1*2^-2   or

      .5        (you may compute 2^-n or look up in table below)
   +  .25

Converting a decimal number to binary may be accomplished:

   Convert  12.34  from decimal to binary

   Integer part                      Fraction part
        quotient remainder                integer fraction
   12/2 =   6       0              .34*2 =      0.68
    6/2 =   3       0              .68*2 =      1.36
    3/2 =   1       1              .36*2 =      0.72
    1/2 =   0       1              .72*2 =      1.44
    done                           .44*2 =      0.88
    read up  1100                  .88*2 =      1.76
                                   .76*2 =      1.52
                                   .52*2 =      1.04
                                   read down   .01010111
    answer is  1100.01010111

  Powers of 2
                 n         -n
                2    n    2
                 1   0   1.0 
                 2   1   0.5 
                 4   2   0.25 
                 8   3   0.125 
                16   4   0.0625 
                32   5   0.03125 
                64   6   0.015625 
               128   7   0.0078125 
               256   8   0.00390625
               512   9   0.001953125
              1024  10   0.0009765625 
              2048  11   0.00048828125 
              4096  12   0.000244140625 
              8192  13   0.0001220703125 
             16384  14   0.00006103515625 
             32768  15   0.000030517578125 
             65536  16   0.0000152587890625 

                 n         -n
                2    n    2
                 1   0   1.0 
                10   1   0.1
               100   2   0.01 
              1000   3   0.001 
             10000   4   0.0001 
            100000   5   0.00001 
           1000000   6   0.000001 
          10000000   7   0.0000001 
         100000000   8   0.00000001
        1000000000   9   0.000000001
       10000000000  10   0.0000000001 
      100000000000  11   0.00000000001 
     1000000000000  12   0.000000000001 
    10000000000000  13   0.0000000000001 
   100000000000000  14   0.00000000000001 
  1000000000000000  15   0.000000000000001 
 10000000000000000  16   0.0000000000000001 

                 n         -n
                2    n    2
                 1   0   1.0 
                 2   1   0.8
                 4   2   0.4 
                 8   3   0.2 
                10   4   0.1 
                20   5   0.08 
                40   6   0.04 
                80   7   0.02 
               100   8   0.01
               200   9   0.008
               400  10   0.004 
               800  11   0.002 
              1000  12   0.001 
              2000  13   0.0008 
              4000  14   0.0004 
              8000  15   0.0002 
             10000  16   0.0001 
        n                       n
    n  2  hexadecimal          2  decimal  approx  notation
   10             400               1,024   10^3   K kilo
   20          100000           1,048,576   10^6   M mega
   30        40000000       1,073,741,824   10^9   G giga
   40     10000000000   1,099,511,627,776   10^12  T tera

The three representations of negative numbers that have been
used in computers are  twos complement,  ones complement  and
sign magnitude. In order to represent negative numbers, it must
be known where the "sign" bit is placed. All modern binary
computers use the leftmost bit of the computer word as a sign bit.

The examples below use a 4-bit register to show all possible
values for the three representations.

 decimal   twos complement  ones complement  sign magnitude
       0      0000            0000             0000
       1      0001            0001             0001
       2      0010            0010             0010
       3      0011            0011             0011
       4      0100            0100             0100
       5      0101            0101             0101
       6      0110            0110             0110
       7      0111            0111             0111
      -7      1001            1000             1111
      -6      1010            1001             1110
      -5      1011            1010             1101
      -4      1100            1011             1100
      -3      1101            1100             1011
      -2      1110            1101             1010
      -1      1111            1110             1001
          -8  1000        -0  1111         -0  1000
                  ^           /                ^||| 
                   \_ add 1 _/          sign__/ --- magnitude

To get the sign magnitude, convert the decimal to binary and
place a zero in the sign bit for positive, place a one in the
sign bit for negative.

To get the ones complement, convert the decimal to binary,
including leading zeros, then invert every bit. 1->0, 0->1.

To get the twos complement, get the ones complement and add 1.
(Throw away any bits that are outside of the register)

It may seem silly to have a negative zero, but it is
mathematically incorrect to have -(-8) = -8

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