// x_plot_d.h clunky common interface for some homework #ifndef X_PLOT_D_H_ #define X_PLOT_D_H_ // center of screen is 0.0,0.0 // X is across screen, Y is up and down // limits : -39.0 <= X <= 39.0 -11.0 <= Y <= 11.0 enum show {OUTLINE, FILL, CLEAR_OUTLINE, CLEAR_FILL, BOLD}; void INITIALIZE(void) ; void DRAW_CIRCLE ( float X, float Y, float R, show KIND=OUTLINE ) ; void DRAW_ELIPSE ( float X, float Y, float XR, float YR, show KIND=OUTLINE ) ; void DRAW_RECTANGLE ( float X, float Y, float W, float H, show KIND=OUTLINE ) ; void DRAW_LINE ( float X1, float Y1, float X2, float Y2, show KIND=OUTLINE ) ; void WRITE_TEXT ( float X, float Y, char *TEXT, show KIND=OUTLINE ) ; void PRINT(void) ; void CLOSE(void) ; // end x_plot_d.h #endif // X_PLOT_D_H_