CS411 esim tutorial


  • Introduction
  • Reserved Words
  • Constants
  • Expressions
  • Statements
  • Structure of a component definition
  • Main circuit structure
  • File structure
  • Truth tables for primitives
  • Some sample uses of primitives
  • Multiplexor example component
  • Multiplexor example test circuit
  • Multiplexor Simulator control
  • Multiplexor example output
  • Multiplexor example Makefile
  • Defining a general register component
  • Main circuit to test general register component
  • Simulator control to test general register component
  • Simulator output of test general register component
  • Other Links
  • Introduction

    Esim is a structural hardware design language and simulator.
    Computer architectures are built from a hierarchy of components.
    Esim allows the definition of components and the use of components
    in larger components.
    The user prepares an esim language file that is compiled into a net list
    by the  ecomp  program.  An example esim language file is shown below,
    testadd4, and compiled:
    	ecomp  testadd4.e  -o  testadd4.net
    The simulator can be run from a  Makefile  shown below or interactively:
    	esim				# the Unix command line
    	esim  load  testadd4.net
            sigtrace  s			# optional, can cause much output
            esim run  100
    	puts "a= [esim show -hex  a], b= [esim show -hex  b]"
    	puts "sum= [esim show -hex  s], cout= [esim show cout]"
    A writeup on the language, ecomp, and a writeup on the simulator control, esim, are 1n this WEB page,
    http://www.cs.umbc.edu/~squire/  .
    Simulator output can be tailored by writing Tcl/Tk code.
    The basic process of designing and testing a computer architecture is the same
    as designing and testing a large computer program. Do a top level design using
    large components. Reduce large components to smaller components, filling in
    more detail. Then build the lowest level components out of primitives. Build
    higher level components out of lower level components until the program or
    architecture is built. Finally execute the program or simulate the
    architecture to verify it is correct.
    A significant difference between conventional programming and hardware design
    is the parallel nature of hardware.  All the hardware is running all the time
    whereas conventional programs run sequentially one statement at a time.
    A ramification of the parallel nature of hardware is that the order of
    statements in a circuit does not matter.
    Esim is a useful introduction into parallel programming because it is based
    on several conventional programming languages yet provides parallelism and
    A way of thinking about computer architecture is to look at a component as
    a black box that has inputs, computes some functions and produces outputs.
    The boxes are connected by wires that carry the signals. A basic wire or
    signal can carry one bit of information that is usually a 1 or a 0 with
    additional capability of X for unknown and Z for high impedance. 
    This brief tutorial shows some of the primitive components, samples of the
    language and some results from a simulation.

    Reserved Words

    after		circuits	define		else		end
    falling		from		is		memory		on
    otherwise	read		rising		select		signal
    to		use		width		with		when
    ns		us		ms
    and		or		xor             not


    #b0		#b1		#bX		#bZ
    #h0FA8	#h01XZ	#hFFFFFFFF

    Expressions returning a value

    a when sig else b
    with ctl select
             #b00: A;
             #b01: B;
             otherwise: A;
             end select


                                   exp can be any expression above
    a <= exp;
    a <= exp on rising c;
    a <= exp on falling c;
    a <= exp after 3ns;		//  or other time units  7us        4ms
    signal b;
    signal c17 <= #b0;
    signal wrd[32] <= #hFFFFFFFF;
    memory m[1024];
    m read x from y when exp;	// on rising c   on falling c    after 1ns
    m write x to y when exp;	// ditto
    xyz use foo(a, b);

    Structure of a component definition

    define foo(input and output signals)    // component definitions
    signal aa;
    signal pqr <= #b0;
    end circuits;
    end foo;

    Structure of a top level, main, circuit

    signal top_level;
    signal clk <= #b1;
        top level statements
    end circuits;

    Structure of a file

    zero or more component definitions
    exactly one top level circuit

    Truth tables for primitive components

    Esim language representation:
    c<=a&b;     c<=a|b;    c<=a^b;     b<=~a;

    Truth tables

    and gate    or gate    xor gate    not
    a b | c     a b | c    a b | c     a | b
    _______     _______    _______     _____
    0 0 | 0     0 0 | 0    0 0 | 0     0 | 1
    0 1 | 0     0 1 | 1    0 1 | 1     1 | 0
    0 X | 0     0 X | X    0 X | X     X | X
    0 Z | 0     0 Z | X    0 Z | X     Z | X
    1 0 | 0     1 0 | 1    1 0 | 1
    1 1 | 1     1 1 | 1    1 1 | 0
    1 X | X     1 X | 1    1 X | X
    1 Z | X     1 Z | 1    1 Z | X
    X 0 | 0     X 0 | X    X 0 | X
    X 1 | X     X 1 | 1    X 1 | X
    X X | X     X X | X    X X | X
    X Z | X     X Z | X    X Z | X
    Z 0 | 0     Z 0 | X    Z 0 | X
    Z 1 | X     Z 1 | 1    Z 1 | X
    Z X | X     Z X | X    Z X | X
    Z Z | X     Z Z | X    Z Z | X
    Signal value definitions:
    0 zero, low,  false
    1 one,  high, true
    X  unknown, don't know, uninitialized
    Z  high impedance, not driven

    Some samples of combinations of primitives

      c<=~a&b;                   d<=(a&~b&~c)|(~a&b&c);

    Defining a four way multiplexer with 8 bit signals

    // mux4_8  four eight bit inputs controlled by ctl to eight bit out
    define mux4_8(A[8], B[8], C[8], D[8], CTL[2], OUT[8])
      OUT<= with CTL 
           #b00: A;
           #b01: B;
           #b10: C;
           #b11: D;
           otherwise: A; // can't happen
         end select after 1ns; // fast gates
    end circuits;
    end mux4_8;

    Test driver circuit for mux4_8, a main circuit

    // main circuit with test driving circuits
    signal a[8] <= #h03;
    signal b[8] <= #h0C;
    signal c[8] <= #h30;
    signal d[8] <= #hC0;
    signal ctl[2] <= #b00;
    signal out[8];
    signal clk <= #b1;     // part of test driver
    signal ctr[2] <= #b00; // part of test driver
      my_mux use mux4_8(a, b, c, d, ctl, out); // component under test
      clk <= ~clk;                                          // test driver
      ctr[0] <= ~ctr[0] on falling clk;                     // test driver
      ctr[1] <= ~ctr[1] when ctr[0] else ctr[1] on falling clk; // test dr
      ctl <= ctr on rising clk;   // don't track ripples
    end circuits;

    Simulator control statements for mux4_8

    esim load mux4_8.net
    sigtrace out
    sigtrace ctl
    esim run 50

    Simulator output stripped to settled values

     0 : out = XXXXXXXX
     0 : ctl = 00
     1 : out = 00000011
    15 : ctl = 01
    16 : out = 00001100
    25 : ctl = 10
    26 : out = 00110000
    35 : ctl = 11
    36 : out = 11000000
    45 : ctl = 00
    46 : out = 00000011

    sample Makefile for mux4_8

    # Makefile for ecomp, esim circuits
    # you can add more result files to the   all:   line
    # then add pairs of  ecomp and esim  lines below
    # on gl machines, create the links to the executables ecomp and esim by typing
    #    ln  -s  ~etmiller/esim/ecomp  ecomp
    #    ln  -s  ~etmiller/esim/esim   esim
    # create the above links rather than copying the files to save your disk quota
    # create the links in the directory where you are doing CS411 homework
    # have this  Makefile in the directory
    # copy the files  testadd4  and  runadd4  to this directory, then type  make
    all: mux4_8.out
    mux4_8.net: mux4_8.e
    	ecomp mux4_8.e -o mux4_8.net
    mux4_8.out: mux4_8.net mux4_8.run
    	esim < mux4_8.run > mux4_8.out

    Sample input to ecomp, testadd4.e circuit

    // language demonstration
    // defining a component, fadd, that happens to be a full adder
    define fadd(a, b, cin, s, cout)
    // note parameters are by definition of type signal
    // parameters may be inputs, outputs, both or unused
    // in this component: a, b, cin are inputs, s and cout are outputs
    circuits      // note the plural!  note no semicolon!  closed by end circuits;
    //  the statements that follow are all executed in parallel
    //  the order of the statements means nothing to the simulation, but
    //  a nice ordering can make it easier to read and understand
      s <= a ^ b ^ cin;  // ^ is exclusive or, default update of s is 5ns
                         // after a change to a, b or cin
      cout <= (a&b)|(a&cin)|(b&cin) after 2ns;
                        // & is logical and, | is logical or
                        // the default update delay has been replaced by 2ns
    end circuits;
    end fadd;           // end of component  fadd  definition
    // components can be used to build bigger components
    // here is a four bit adder, add4, built from four uses of  fadd
    define add4(aw[4], bw[4], cin, sum[4], cout)
      //  aw[4] defines the parameter as being 4 bits wide
    signal c[3];  // three bit temporary is needed inside this component
                  // in this case to pass the cout of one adder stage
                  // to the cin of the next adder stage
      s0 use fadd(aw[0], bw[0], cin,  sum[0], c[0]);
      // this gives the name s0 to an instance of fadd
      // aw[0] is the zeroth (first, low order) bit of the four bit signal aw
      s1 use fadd(aw[1], bw[1], c[0], sum[1], c[1]);
      s2 use fadd(aw[2], bw[2], c[1], sum[2], c[2]);
      s3 use fadd(aw[3], bw[3], c[2], sum[3], cout);
      // each instance name must be unique within a component definition
    end circuits;
    end add4;
    // now, define the top level circuit to be simulated
    // all components must be defined before they are used
    // all signals must be defined before they are used
    signal a[4] <= #b0101;  // a[0] is 1, a[1] is zero, a[2] is one, a[3] is zero
    signal b[4] <= #hF;     // all bits of b are ones, h for hexadecimal, 4 bits
    signal cout;            // no initial value, thus value is X, unknown
    signal cin <= #b0;
    signal s[4];
    circuits               // top level of hierarchy, not enclosed in 'define'
      adder use add4(a, b, cin, s, cout);
      // instantiate add4 with the signal names a, b, cin, s, cout
      // this in turn instantiates four copies if fadd with appropriate
      // substitution of signal names
    end circuits;         // end of top level circuit

    Sample esim control file, testadd4.run

    esim load testadd4.net
    sigtrace s
    sigtrace cout
    esim run 100
    puts "a= [esim show -hex  a], b= [esim show -hex  b]"
    puts "sum= [esim show -hex  s], cout= [esim show cout]"
    Also, get the file  .esimrc  and put it in your   gl  login directory
    Follow instructions in  Makefile to create links to  ecomp and esim
    Type  make
    Then print or view the result file,  testadd4.out
    0 : s = XXXX
    0 : cout = X
    4 : cout = 1
    5 : s = XXX0
    7 : s = 0XX0
    7 : s = 0X00
    9 : s = 0100

    Defining a general register component

    // greg  general register set
    //  memory is internal, a1 address reads and outputs on out1
    //                      a2 address reads and outputs on out2
    //                      aw address writes input on wr & clk falling
    define greg(a1[5], a2[5], aw[5], input[32], wr, clk, out1[32], out2[32])
    memory mr[1024]; // 32 registers of 32 bits each
      mr read out1 from a1.#b00000 when #b1; // always available
      mr read out2 from a2.#b00000 when #b1;
      mr write input to aw.#b00000 when wr on falling clk;
    end circuits;
    end greg;

    Main circuit to test general register component

    signal a1[5] <= #b00010;
    signal a2[5] <= #b00011;
    signal aw[5] <= #b00010;
    signal clk   <= #b1;
    signal wr    <= #b1;
    signal input[32] <= #hCCCCCCCC;
    signal out1[32];
    signal out2[32];
      reg_set use greg(a1, a2, aw, input, wr, clk, out1, out2);
      clk<=~clk after 10ns;
    end circuits;

    Simulator control for general register component

    esim load greg.net
    sigtrace out1
    sigtrace out2
    esim run 100

    Output from simulating general register component

     ...                                            some lines deleted
    5 : out1 = XXXXXXXX000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = XXXXXXX0000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = XXXXXX00000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = XXXXX000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = XXXX0000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = XXX00000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = XX000000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = X0000000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out1 = 00000000000000000000000000000000
     ...                                            some lines deleted
    5 : out2 = XXXXXXXXX00000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XXXXXXXX000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XXXXXXX0000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XXXXXX00000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XXXXX000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XXXX0000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XXX00000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = XX000000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = X0000000000000000000000000000000
    5 : out2 = 00000000000000000000000000000000
    20 : out1 = 00000000000000000000000000000100
    20 : out1 = 00000000000000000000000000001100
    20 : out1 = 00000000000000000000000001001100
    20 : out1 = 00000000000000000000000011001100
    20 : out1 = 00000000000000000000010011001100
     ...                                            some lines deleted
    20 : out1 = 00000000110011001100110011001100
    20 : out1 = 00000100110011001100110011001100
    20 : out1 = 00001100110011001100110011001100
    20 : out1 = 01001100110011001100110011001100
    20 : out1 = 11001100110011001100110011001100
    Note: The ripple effect within the same nanosecond time is just
          showing that real electronic circuits do not change at
          the exact same time. Real circuits may not change in the
          sequence the simulator shows.

    Other links

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     Last updated 9/15/98