# snowflake.py3 import numpy as np import matplotlib.pyplot as plt def koch_snowflake(order, scale=10): """ Return two lists x, y of point coordinates of the Koch snowflake. Parameters ---------- order : int The recursion depth. scale : float The extent of the snowflake (edge length of the base triangle). """ def _koch_snowflake_complex(order): if order == 0: # initial triangle angles = np.array([0, 120, 240]) + 90 return scale / np.sqrt(3) * np.exp(np.deg2rad(angles) * 1j) else: ZR = 0.5 - 0.5j * np.sqrt(3) / 3 p1 = _koch_snowflake_complex(order - 1) # start points p2 = np.roll(p1, shift=-1) # end points dp = p2 - p1 # connection vectors new_points = np.empty(len(p1) * 4, dtype=np.complex128) new_points[::4] = p1 new_points[1::4] = p1 + dp / 3 new_points[2::4] = p1 + dp * ZR new_points[3::4] = p1 + dp / 3 * 2 return new_points points = _koch_snowflake_complex(order) x, y = points.real, points.imag return x, y x, y = koch_snowflake(order=5) plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8)) plt.axis('equal') plt.title('snowflake.py3') plt.fill(x, y) plt.show()