-- pmul8_test.vhdl test entity pmul8 --signal a[msb]; multiplier msb=3, 7, 11, 15, ... ,31, 63 --signal b[msb]; multiplicand --signal p[msb2]; product library STD; use STD.textio.all; library IEEE; use IEEE.std_logic_1164.all; use IEEE.std_logic_textio.all; use IEEE.std_logic_arith.all; entity pmul8_test is end pmul8_test; architecture circuits of pmul8_test is constant msb : integer := 7; -- most significant bit constant msb2 : integer := 2*msb+1; -- double length msb constant prop : time := (2*msb+3)*(1 ps); -- circuit propegation delay signal cntr : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"00"; signal one : std_logic_vector(7 downto 0) := X"01"; signal a : std_logic_vector(msb downto 0); signal b : std_logic_vector(msb downto 0); signal p : std_logic_vector(msb2 downto 0); procedure my_printout(a : std_logic_vector(msb downto 0); b : std_logic_vector(msb downto 0); p : std_logic_vector(msb2 downto 0)) is variable my_line : line; begin write(my_line, string'("a=")); write(my_line, a); write(my_line, string'(", b=")); write(my_line, b); write(my_line, string'(", p=")); write(my_line, p); write(my_line, string'(", cntr=")); write(my_line, cntr); write(my_line, string'(", at=")); write(my_line, now); writeline(output, my_line); end my_printout; begin -- circuits of pmul8_test mult32: entity WORK.pmul8 port map(a, b, p); -- parallel circuit driver: process -- serial code variable my_line : LINE; begin -- process driver write(my_line, string'("Driver starting.")); writeline(output, my_line); for i in 0 to 255 loop a( 3 downto 0) <= cntr(3 downto 0); a(msb downto msb-3) <= cntr(3 downto 0); -- as many as needed b( 3 downto 0) <= cntr(7 downto 4); b(msb downto msb-3) <= cntr(7 downto 4); -- as many as needed wait for prop; -- pseudo clock wait for propogation my_printout(a, b, p); -- write output cntr <= unsigned(cntr) + unsigned(one); wait for 1 ps; end loop; -- i total run time = (2*msb+4)*256 ps end process driver; end architecture circuits; -- of pmul8_test