Some equations for computing area and volume. This is based on same units of measure for length, width, height, ... Area is units of measure squared, volume is units of measure cubed. area rectangle = length times width length*width area circle = Pi * radius * radius area of triangle = 1/2 * length of side * distance from side to third point area of triangle given 3 points x1,y1 x2,y2 x3,y3 = (x1*y2 - x2*y1 + x2*y3 - x3*y2 + x3*y1 - x1*y3)/2.0 area of ellipse = Pi * a * b where a = distance center to edge major axis b = distamce center to edge minor axis axis perpendicular For volume, depth is third dimension perpendicular to plane of area volume = any area * depth volume cube = length * width * depth volume sphere = 4/3 * Pi * radius * radius * radius = 4/3 Pi radius^3 volume = any plane area to a point at distance depth = 1/3 area * depth volume pyramid = 1/3 * length * width * depth volume cone = 1/3 * Pi * radius * radius * depth volume ellipsoid = 4/3 * Pi * a * b * c