/* abc_la.h User problem definitions for a specific PDE to be solved */ /* this includes the user choice of degree and discretization */ /* */ /* The problem must be well posed and the solution must be */ /* continuous and continuously differentiable */ /* */ /* The general PDE to be solved is: */ /* a1(x,y)*uxx(x,y) + b1(x,y)*uxy(x,y) + c1(x,y)*uyy(x,y) + */ /* d1(x,y)*ux(x,y) + e1(x,y)*uy(x,y) + f1(x,y)*u(x,y) = c(x,y) */ /* */ /* Define the region for the solution: */ /* xmin <= x <= xmax, ymin <= y <= ymax using nx by ny points */ #define xmin -1.0 #define xmax 1.0 #define ymin -1.0 #define ymax 1.0 #define nx 6 #define ny 5 #define ifcheck 1 /* the user must provide all functions, even if only return 0.0; */ /* the functions are implemented in the file abc.c */ /* A specific set of test functions is covered in abc.txt */ double a1(double x, double y); double b1(double x, double y); double c1(double x, double y); double d1(double x, double y); double e1(double x, double y); double f1(double x, double y); double u(double x, double y); /* must compute boundary, if solution, then */ /* set ifcheck = 1, else ifcheck = 0 */ double c(double x, double y); /* this becomes defined by u and a1 ... f1 */