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python and java printing 3D screens

You may have 3D data, x,y,z points, you want to display

plot3d1.py3  source code
plot3d1_py3.out  output

plot3da1.py3  source code
plot3da1_py3.out  source code

plot3da.py3  source code
plot3da_py3.out  output

plot3d.py3  source code
plot3d_py3.out  output

hsphear3d.py3  source code
hsphear3d_py3.out  output

plot3d.java  source code

Using roll, pitch, yaw projection

test_project.py3  source code
test_project_py3.out  output

Get any source code into your file on linux.gl.umbc.edu using:
 cp  /afs/umbc.edu/users/s/q/squire/pub/download/some.file  .

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