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Lecture 2, A Software Development Process

I specifically used "A" because there are many software development
Some differences are due to the customer or area:
  Real Time
  Operating System
  End User Commercial Product
  Mathematical Modeling and Simulation
  Browser Applications
  Phone Applications
  Mission Critical Project
Some differences are due to operating system or language or tool kits:
  Windows, Unix, Linux, MacOSX, etc.
  C, Java, Python, Fortran, Ada, Html, PHP, SQL, etc.
  OpenGL, LAPACK, VisualStudio, Eclipse, etc. 

We will cover a specific development process that you will
actually use to develop your term team project.
As I have said, commercial team software development is
very different from you developing your own software.

Thus, we look in detail at your project requirements as
a specific development process.

CS345 Project
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