CMSC691M-04    Project

This is a group project with 2-3 students per group.

Project Plan:

Your project plan must include: 1) clearly stated problem; 2) solution approaches -- current
and new that you propose; 3) implementation plan of your solution using either simulation or
modeling or other means; 4) evaluation metrics you will use for comparative analysis of the
current and new solutions.

Progress report may be given verbally in class.

Final Project Report:

The format for your final project report should be similar to the standard IEEE conference
paper including sections on Introduction, Related Work, Proposed
Solution/Architecture/Algorithms, Simulation/Implementation, Results, Conclusion.

Option 1
For the class project, we will use the Realnetworks Helix DNA Platform. You may start browsing the website at The idea is to develop a robust application using the Helix DNA for media production, distribution, and playback. Your starting point may be the list of possible projects that the community is interested in; the list is provided at You may propose new ideas not on that list. I am particularly interested in architecture-related projects.

Option 2
Partial Video Server  and RTSP and RTP Implementation  (Adapted from Kurose - Ross on
Computer Networks). Use this idea for further expertimentation and analysis of video
streaming using the Internet as the delivery network. Project will not be given any credit if the
experimentation and analysis parts are missing.

Option 3
Construct a peer-to-peer streaming application environment in NS2.  Analyze the application performance with respect to network related metrics -- packet loss, delay and delay jitter.
Here are couple of papers to get you started :
Paper1, Paper2
here is an extended survey on P2P architectures p2p-survey.pdf


Project Milestones

Regardless of which option you choose, here are the deadlines:

Phase 1 due on Oct 15

Phase 2 due on Dec 15