Palanivel Kodeswaran

Ph.D. Student
Department of CSEE
University of Maryland, Baltimore County

I have graduated and now work at IBM Research-India. My current page is available here .

I am a Ph.D. Candidate in Computer Science at the Department of CSEE, University of Maryland, Baltimore County. My advisor is Dr. Anupam Joshi. Before coming to UMBC, I spent four wonderful years as an undergraduate student in the Department of Computer Science and Engineering  Anna University,  also known as the College of Engineering Guindy(CEG).

I am interning at IBM Research, Bangalore during the summer of 2010. Previously, I spent the summers of '08 and '09 at Microsoft Research, Redmond working with Evelyne Viegas on Privacy Issues.

Research Interests

My research interests are in the broad areas of systems and networking, mobile computing, wireless networks and context aware computing. I am also interested in social networks and developing practical privacy solutions for social data access.


Palanivel Kodeswaran, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin and Filip Perich. "A Declarative Approach for Secure and Robust Routing", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 3rd ACM Workshop on Assurable & Usable Security Configuration , October 2010.
Palanivel Kodeswaran, Wenjia Li, Anupam Joshi, Tim Finin, and Filip Perich, "Enforcing Secure and Robust Routing with Declarative Policies", Military Communications Conference (MILCOM), San Jose, 2010.
Palanivel Kodeswaran and Evelyne Viegas. "Towards A Privacy Preserving Policy Based Infrastructure for Social Data Access To Enable Scientific Research", Privacy Security and Trust, Ottawa, 2010.
Palanivel Kodeswaran and Evelyne Viegas. "A Policy Based Infrastructure for Social Data Access with Privacy Guarantees", InProceedings, Proceedings of the IEEE International Symposium on Policies for Distributed Systems and Networks, July 2010.
Palanivel Kodeswaran and Anupam Joshi, "Towards a Declarative Framework For Managing Application and Network Adaptations", Proceedings, IEEE GlobeCom, December 2009.
Palanivel Kodeswaran and Evelyne Viegas, "Applying Differential Privacy to Search Queries in a Policy Based Interactive Framework", InProceedings, ACM International Workshop on Privacy and Annonymity for Very Large Datasets, November 2009.
Palanivel Kodeswaran, Sethuram Balaji Kodeswaran, Anupam Joshi and Filip Perich, "Utilizing semantic policies for managing BGP route dissemination", InProceedings, Automated Network Management (INFOCOM workshops), April 2008.
Palanivel Kodeswaran, Sethuram Balaji Kodeswaran, Anupam Joshi and Tim Finin, "Enforcing security in semantics driven policy based networks", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Data Engineering Workshops, Secure Semantic Web, April 2008.
Patti Ordonez, Palanivel Kodeswaran et al., "A Ubiquitous Context-Aware Environment for Surgical Training", InProceedings, Proceedings of the 4th Annual International Conference on Mobile and Ubiquitous Systems, August 2007.
“A Generic Resilient Multipath Routing Mechanism for Failure Prone Ad Hoc Networks” (Poster), In Proc. The International Conference on High Performance Computing (HiPC) 2005, Goa India.


Click here for my Resume(pdf)


Spring 2007

Wireless Sensor Networks

Fall 2006

Principles of Computer Security [SecurePass: Gurading Sensitive Information from Untrusted Machines]
Advanced Computer Networks

Spring 2006

Advanced Computer Architecture
Wearable Computing taught by Dr Zary Segall [GoogleCam]
Independent Study under Dr Anupam Joshi [Data Management in Mobile Networks]

Fall 2005

Advanced Operating Systems
Principles of Database Systems
Introduction to Algorithms

