Class Presentation

CMSC 635, Fall 2005


At some point during the semester, you will present two technical research papers to the class and lead a discussions on each. You may pick your papers from the set of readings, or choose another research paper that interests you. You must get approval for your choice of paper, and I recommend that you do so as early in the semester as possible. If multiple people want to present the same paper, it will go to the person who requested it first.

Your presentation should have the format of a presentation of this research to a technical conference, including a motivation for the research, a brief summary of the related work, a description of the new work, and a discussion of the results. You should use slides and especially figures and diagrams where appropriate. For some papers, there are video clips available to illustrate the results. You are welcome to use this sample presentation and presentation notes inspiration.

Your presentation will be during one of the classes scheduled to cover each topic. You should plan to spend about 25 minutes presenting the paper and 5-10 minutes in discussion. After your presentation, lead a discussion of the merits of the paper including such issues as:

If you have questions about the technical details in a paper, I would be happy to meet with you before your presentation to discuss that paper.