CMSC 379: Elementary Theory of Computation and Formal Languages Fall 1987 Instructor: Dr. Howard E. Motteler Office: Rm 111, CMSC BLDG (Temp. Building) Office Hrs: Mondays & Wendsdays After Class Text: Lewis & Papadimitriou Topics to be covered: Sets, Relations, and Languages (chapter 1) ------------------------------ Review of discrete math: elementary logic, sets, relations, and functions. Binary relations, closure of a relation. Fundamental proof techniques: Induction, diagonalization, and the "pigeon-hole principle." Alphabets and Languages; finite representation of languagues, regular expressions. Finite Automata (chapter 2) --------------- Deterministic and non-deterministic finite automata; equivalence of finite automata and regular languages. Properties of regular languages; proofs that languages are not regular. Context Free Languages (chapter 3) ---------------------- Context-free grammars; regular languages and context free languages. Pushdown automata and context free grammars. Properties of context-free languages. Properties of context free languages: closure properties, periodicity, and decidability. Languages which are not context free. Determinism and parsing: deterministic pushdown automata, top down and bottoms up parsing. Computability (selections from chapters 4 & 5) ------------- Primitive recursive and recursive functions. Turing machines, universal machines, and Church's thesis. The halting problem.