1. Find observations of species listed in the Global Invasive Species Database. (simple triple matching) ------ PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX dwc: PREFIX issg: select ?occurrenceID ?taxon FROM FROM WHERE {?occurrence dwc:occurrenceID ?occurrenceID . ?occurrence dwc:Identification ?identification . ?identification dwc:taxonConceptID ?taxon . ?taxon rdfs:subClassOf issg:ISSG-GISDThing} ----- 2. Find observations of species of concern in Massachusetts. (requires rdfs reasoning) ----- PREFIX rdf: PREFIX rdfs: PREFIX dwc: PREFIX inv: select ?occurrenceID ?taxon FROM FROM FROM FROM FROM WHERE {?occurrence dwc:occurrenceID ?occurrenceID . ?occurrence dwc:Identification ?identification . ?identification dwc:taxonConceptID ?taxon . ?taxon rdfs:subClassOf inv:ThingOfConcern } -----