Jonathan Bronson

Jonathan Bronson

1000 Hilltop Circle, UMBC
Baltimore, MD 21250
Phone: 410-455-8935
jonbron1 at
Curriculum Vitae

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M.S. Computer Science. University of Maryland at Baltimore County. 2006 - present
Advisor: Dr. Penny Rheingans

B.S. Computer Science. University of Maryland at Baltimore County. 2002 - 2006.

Automated Stencils and Gobos from 3D Models

Developed as an interactive program, the stencil utilities toolkit allows the user to turn an arbitrary 3D mesh into a guideline for a printed stencil. Users can adjust line thickness, lighting, and camera angles to achieve the desired result. Hardware Acceleration is used to obtain the artistic style and a unique algorithm joins disconnected regions. These generated stencils can be used to fabricate hand usable stencils or sent to factory for Gobo production for use in theatrical stage lighting.


PAWS (Pipes And WaveS)

Developed in Java with JOGL (OpenGL Bindings for Java). Users can connect to local or remote databases to query data. 3D graphs are generated and can be interactively explored. Interaction through wave-based motion allows a deep understanding of the relationships throughout the graph. Nodes can be selected, highlighted, labeled, flagged, recolored and moved around in any way the user sees fit. .

Real-Time Caustics on Deformable Meshes

The goal of this project was to combine two techniques, Shah et al.'s "Caustics Mapping: An Image-space Technique for Real-time Caustics" and Oliveria et al.'s "Real-Time Refraction Through Deformable Objects." The caustics paper mentions how easily it can use Chris Wyman's Image-space refraction, but this newer technique requires no precomputation. Banking off our recent familiarization with XNA, we implemented both algorithms using the framework and developed a small world to test in. The caustics algorithm works efficiently by avoiding any explicit intersection calculations. Instead, the world positions of the scene are rendered to cubemap from the perspective of the translucent object. Refraction is then computed from the view of the lightsource and instead of looking up environment color, the environment positions are taken. These positions are then used to render point sprites using Vertex Texture Fetch.

XNA Development

The goal of this project was to become familiar with the Microsoft's new XNA framework. The XNA framework is built around DirectX with only a small subset of the API exposed. The great feature about XNA is that if created carefully, the application or game will run on both Windows and XBox 360 platforms. I chose to implement a simple projectile based game that I had originally created in OpenSceneGraph. Porting this project to XNA was relatively simple and the final implementation was much cleaner code. Multitexturing and normal mapping shaders all written in HLSL.

Mixing Procedural Shading

The goal of this project was to mimic a real world object, in this case a piece of granite rock, and then add an other worldly feel to it. To create this effect I combined procedural techniques with explicit texturing. The model itself was created to mirror the original rock, using Wings 3D. Procedural normal mapping is achieved using a 3D noise texture and a novel normal blending technique. The view dependent rune markings are texture mapped and blended into the procedural shader and varied with time to achieve a pulsing glow.

Two Surface Refraction Shader

Implemented a multipass refraction shader using GLSL in OpenGL. The refraction algorithm used is based off Chris Wyman's 2005 SIGGRAPH paper entitled, "An Approximate Image-Space Approach for Interactive Refraction." In this method, depth information is used to approximate an exit point of the refracted ray and apply the second refraction to find the final exit direction.

BSP Culling

Implemented using OpenGL/C++. Input at runtime controls the dimensions of the maze. Once generated the user is placed inside the maze and can find his way through. Features include Texturing, Collision Detection, and BSP culling.

General RayTracer

A basic implementation of a RayTracing Engine. Images are rendered from models obtained from the Standard Procedural Database or other NFF input files. Features include specular highlights, casted shadows, and anti-aliasing.

Renderman and Procedural Shading

As an exercise to introduce renderers, a simple scene of objects was entered programmatically, textured, and lit from several angles to provide a compelling image. Afterwards, several shaders were written in the Renderman Shading Language to model real-world surfaces. Included in the project were shaders for water, ice, concrete, snow, and marble tile.

General Purpose Computation Using Graphics Hardware
Visualization Conference
Non-Photorealistic Rendering Papers and Resources
OpenGL for Developers


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Page Author: Jonathan Bronson
Last Modified: Tuesday, December 11, 2007