Basic responses

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Basic responses

error :in-reply-to <expression>
      :sender <word>
      :receiver <word>
      :comment <string>
      :code <integer>

A performative of this type indicates that the sender can not understand or considers to be illegal the message referenced by the :in-reply-to parameter. The :CODE parameter gives a numeric code to classify the error type. The :COMMENT parameter can be used to return a string further describing how the sender considers the message to be ill formed.

sorry :in-reply-to <expression>
      :sender <word>
      :receiver <word>
      :comment <string>

A performative of this type indicates that the sender understands, but is not able to provide any (more) response(s) to the message referenced by the :in-reply-to parameter. A performative of this type may be used in response to an evaluate or ask-one query, when no other reply is appropriate. The optional :COMMENT parameter can be used to pass a string which describes the specifics of situation leading to refusal to provide a response or additional responses.
