Facilitation performatives

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Facilitation performatives

     :content <expression>
     :ontology <word>
     :language KQML
     :reply-with <expression>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
This type indicates that the sender wants the recipient to process the embedded performative through the help of a single agent that is particularly suited to processing the embedded performative. (Presumably, such suitability was established using :advertise performatives.)

     :content <expression>
     :ontology <word>
     :language KQML
     :reply-with <expression>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
This type is similar to broker-one except that the sender wants the recipient to enlist the help of all agents particularly suited to processing the embedded performative. The recipient of the broker-all replies with a list of all responses.

     :content <expression>
     :ontology <word>
     :language KQML
     :reply-with <expression>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
This type indicates that the sender wants the recipient to reply with the name of a single agent that is particularly suited to processing the embedded performative.

     :content <expression>
     :language KQML
     :ontology <word>
     :reply-with <expression>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
This type indicates that the sender wants the recipient to reply with a list of names of agents that are particularly suited to processing the embedded performative.

     :from <word>
     :content <expression>
     :language KQML
     :ontology <word>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
This type indicates that the sender wants the recipient to forward the embedded performative to a single agent that is particularly suited to processing the embedded performative. This differs from broker-one because the recruited agent will forward its response directly to the original sender.

     :from <word>
     :content <expression>
     :ontology <word>
     :language KQML
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
This type is similar to recruit-one except that the sender wants the recipient to forward the embedded performative to all agents particularly suited to processing the embedded performative. The recruited agents individually forward their responses to the original sender.
