Basic informative performatives

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Basic informative performatives

     :content <expression>
     :language <word>
     :ontology <word>
     :in-reply-to <expression>
     :force <word>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
Performatives of this type indicate that the :content sentence is in the sender's virtual knowledge base (VKB) (cf. Section ).

     :content <performative>
     :language KQML
     :ontology <word>
     :in-reply-to <expression>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
Performatives of this type indicate that the meaning of the embedded <performative> is not true of the sender. A deny of a deny cancels out.

     :content <expression>
     :language <word>
     :ontology <word>
     :in-reply-to <expression>
     :force <word>
     :sender <word>
     :receiver <word>
A performative of this type is equivalent to a deny of a tell.

NOTE: untell weaker than telling the negation of the sentence; the sender may not have the negation in its VKB either.

NOTE: Inclusion of untell performative is obviously redundant; in this document, perspecuity takes precedence over minimality.
