Looking for info. RE: "Agent0" ACL ... ?

William Ender (ender@tle.com)
Wed, 16 Nov 1994 10:55:27 -0800

The "Agent programming and communication languages" HTML page, at


makes reference to a language called "Agent0"; I *know* I've seen this
referenced elsewhere ... but I can't remember where (I can't remember
*anything* any more -- sure sign of aging). Anyone have any more info. or

> Agent programming and communication languages
> * Agent0
> The AGENTS Kernel Language (AKL) is a concurrent constraint
> programming language developed at the Swedish Institute of
> Computer Science (SICS).

- WWWilly &;-)


William Ender
The Living Ender, Inc.(tm)

"Right-brain thinking for a left-brain world ... "(tm)