Re: Agents in Networked Information Retrieval

Hartmut Wittig (ibmpa!!
Sat, 27 Aug 1994 15:04:28 +0200 (MSZ)

> We have a small group here at Siemens looking at the problem of using
> agents to do information retrieval tasks in large networks. In our
> prototype system, each each user and each information repository is
> represented by an agent, called a userbot and a corpusbot, respectively.
> A userbot is the system's model of its user; over time,
> it evolves into an expert on that user's preferences and tastes.
> Similarly, a corpusbot evolves into an expert on the best way
> to access the information contained within its resource.
> Agents cooperate to support both browsing and explicit content-based
> searches.

Hi Ellen,

this sounds good, please give me a pointer to your papers or
prototypes. I am working at the IBM European Networking Center
in Heidelberg/Germany. I'm the head of a small research group
which is working towards an agent for user endsystems in
integrated services telecommunication environment.

Best regards,

Hartmut Wittig

| | |
| _/_/_/_/ _/ / _/ _/_/_/_/ | HARTMUT WITTIG |
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | |
| _/_/_/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | |
| _/ _/ _/ _/ _/ | IBM ENC Heidelberg |
| _/_/_/_/ _/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ | VANGEROWSTRASSE 18 |
| | D-69115 Heidelberg |
| | TELEFON: +49-6221-59-3116 |
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| wittig@dhdibmip.bitnet |
| VNET : hwittig at mazvm01 (IBM Internal Use Only) |