UMBC CMSC 391 -- Programming Microcontrollers  

PAULMON2 Programmer's Guide

symbol address Description Returns Uses Changes
asc2hex 0x0065 convert character 0-9,A-F to number 0-15
autobaud 0x0042 Initialize serial port
cin 0x0032 Get Acc from serial port Acc = SBUF Acc, SCON Acc, SCON.RI
cin_filter 0x0062 like cin, but scan for arrow keys, pgup/pgdn
cout 0x0030 Send Acc to serial port N/A Acc, SBUF, SCON SCON.TI
erall 0x005C erase the Flash ROM chip, C=1 if error
esc 0x003E Check for ESC key. Carry set if ESC has been pressed
find 0x005F find next prog header in memory
ghex 0x003A Get Hex input into Acc. Carry set if ESC has been pressed
ghex16 0x003C Get Hex input into DPTR. Carry set if ESC has been pressed
lenstr 0x004A return the length of a string @DPTR (in R0)
newline 0x0048 print CR/LF (13 and 10)
pcstr 0x0045 print string in compressed format (no docs)
phex 0x0034 Print Hex value of Acc
phex1 0x002E print a single hex digit Acc Acc
phex16 0x0036 Print Hex value of DPTR
pint16u 0x0053 print DPTR as an integer, 0 to 65535
pint8 0x0050 print Acc at an integer, -128 to 127
pint8u 0x004D print Acc at an integer, 0 to 255
prg 0x0059 write Acc @DPTR to Flash ROM, C=1 if error
pstr 0x0038 Print string pointed to by DPTR,
must be terminated by 0 or a high bit set
pressing ESC will stop the printing
smart_wr 0x0056 write Acc @DPTR (RAM or flash), C=1 if error
upper 0x0040 Convert Acc to uppercase. Non-ASCII values are unchanged

©2004, Gary L. Burt