Study Guide -- CMSC 421

Bad news:

I didn't want to do it, but I will have to have some essay questions. Since most of our time has been spent on chapter two, processes are going to be the majority of the exam. Be prepared to discuss, analyze and compare.

Operating System Concepts


Everything revolves around processes. Know everything about processes.


Understanding of the file system is very important.

The Shell

Understand the project in painful detail.

System Calls

Understand each of the categories of the system calls. Be able to identify the categories and give examples.

Operating System Structure

What is a monolithic system?

What examples of layered systems?


Process states are a critical concept.

Threads are important.

IPC's are a necessary component, no what how an operating system is implemented.

Race conditions are something to know in depth.

Page 59: Know the four conditions that are needed for a good solution, and how they are used to analyze the different implementations.

Know mutual exclusion in detail.

What is Peterson's solution?

What is the Producer-Consumer Problem?

Be able to discuss semaphores and how they are different from monitors.

Know message passing.

What is the Dining Philosophers Problem?

Processing Scheduling

Be able to discuss the scheduling algorithm in detail. (All eight of them.)