CMSC 411 Section 101 (Fall 1994) -- Basic Information

CMSC 411 Section 101 -- Basic Information

Instructor: Ethan Miller

Office: ECS 222

Hours: MW 2:30 - 3:30 PM or by appointment


The syllabus is available online. You may also go back to the main CMSC 411 page.

CMSC 311 or equivalent.
Computer Architecture and Organization, Hayes. McGraw-Hill, 2nd edition, 1988.
Computation Structures, Ward & Halstead, MIT Press, 1990.
There may be occasional unannounced quizzes. They should only take around 15 minutes, and are given to insure that you're keeping current with the material.
There will be three tests given, each covering one third of the course. These tests will be non-overlapping as much as possible.
There will be at least three design projects assigned. These will be described by separate handouts. Projects up to 1 day late will lose 15%, 2-3 days late will lose 30%, 4-7 days late will lose 50%, and 8-14 days late will lose 65%. Projects more than 14 days late will receive no points; however, you must hand in all projects (and make a reasonable attempt at them) to pass the class.
Homeworks, which will be graded, are usually due about a week after they are assigned. Homeworks 1 day late will lose 25%, and up to 7 days late will lose 50%. Homeworks more than 7 days late will not be accepted. Neatness and understandability both count.

All homework and projects originally due before the last day of class must be turned in by the last day of class, regardless of exemptions.

I know there are times when you can't finish a homework or project because of other commitments. To alleviate this problem, you can hand in up to two assignments during the semester (including at most one project) up to one week late without penalty. Please make a note on the assignment that you're using the exemption. Since this policy allows you leeway on due dates during the semester, I'm going to be strict on other reasons for handing in late work (but see me or send e-mail if you think it's a very good reason). I'd suggest that you hold one or both exemptions until later in the semester when things get busy. Anyone who wants more than the two free exemptions should be prepared to explain why the first two were used....
Projects will account for 30% of your final grade, quizzes 10%, homeworks 15%, and tests 45% (15% each).
Please do the design projects and homework on your own. Discussing concepts with other people is fine, but the work itself must be your own. Submitting a project that matches someone else's will result in a zero grade for the project and possible academic discipline.