Project 1 — Connect Four

Assigned Monday, September 16thth
Program Due Monday, September 30thrd by 8:00am
Weight 6%
Updates All your code should be in a package called proj1

Connect Four

We will be programming an interface to simulate a connect four game. Those unfamiliar with connect four should look here for more details. The entire game will be texted based, with players taking turns entering moves.

Your connect four program should first prompt the user for a number of rows, then a number of columns. If either of these values is less than five, the program should continue to ask the user for a row or column value until the user inputs a number greater than four.

Once a number of rows and number of columns has been succesfully been entered, you should continue to prompt each player for a move in turn until a player has won or submits 'q' as a move. Once either player has won, you should present an option to play again by typing y, or to quit by typing n.

For example:

Hi, please enter a number of rows:  5 
Please enter a number of columns:  5 
Player one, please enter a move: 1
Player two, please enter a move: 1
Please note that your program must follow this format exactly to get any credit. Programs that do not use these symbols and spacing will receive a grade of zero.

How to Start

We will be creating two files, and will contain all the input and output code required to play the game; will contain the inner workings of the game. At no time should ever communicate with the user. will do all the input and output. It will need an instance of the ConnectFour object to communicate player's moves to. Remember to break your input and output operations into smaller functions. All other functions in this class will need the word 'static' in the header, such as the following:

public static int getValidInt(int min, int max) {

First, you'll need to decide what instance varibles you'll need to represent a game of connect four. You'll need some variable to represent the state of the board, and a variable to represent whose turn it is.

Once you have those variables, you'll need to create methods that:

Note that no method call in your board should put the ConnectFour object in an invalid state. Even if someone wrote their own, they should not be able to break your ConnectFour object. For the constructor, if someone passes invalid arguments, have the constructor set the board to be 5x5.


See the course website for a description of how your project will be graded.

Project Submission

Before submitting your project, be sure to compile and test your code on the GL system. See the Project Compilation section of the course Projects page for details on how to compile and execute your project on GL.

Assuming you’ve used the specified file names, submit your project by typing the command

submit cs202 proj1

See the Project Submission page for detailed instructions.

You may resubmit your files as often as you like, but only the last submittal will be graded and will be used to determine if your project is late. For more information, see the Projects page on the course web site.

Remember — if you make any change to your program, no matter how insignificant it may seem, you should recompile and retest your program before submitting it. Even the smallest typo can cause errors and a reduction in your grade.