tcsh Configuration


The tcsh looks for a configuration file at startup time. The file it looks for is called "~/.cshrc"

Note that I always recommend backing up a copy of your account configuration files before meddling with them (such as "cp .cshrc .cshrc.bak").

Here is an example of the .cshrc file that is being distributed in new GL accounts...

# This is the default standard .cshrc provided to csh users.
# They are expected to edit it to meet their own needs.

##### Path is loaded with user's home bin(s) #####

if ( -o /bin/su ) then
        unset path
        set path = ( . $HOME/bin $HOME/bin/sgi )

##### This is where the path is loaded up  #####
#####  with some additional directories.   #####

set path=( $path /usr/local/bin /usr/bsd /bin /usr/bin \
           /usr/sbin /usr/bin/X11 /usr/local/X11  \ 
           /etc /usr/etc )

##### load in machine-specific settings #####

if ( -r /usr/site/etc/system.cshrc ) then
        source /usr/site/etc/system.cshrc

if ($?prompt) then

##### sets the prompt #####

        if ( -o /bin/su ) then
                set prompt = "umbc8[1]% "
                set prompt = "`hostname -s` [\!]# "

##### some environment variables #####

        stty intr "^C" kill "^U" echoe
        setenv EDITOR /usr/local/bin/pico
        umask 077
        set history = 100
        set filec

##### aliases #####

        alias h  history
        alias help apropos
        alias pay ~mhuber1/consult/timesheet -Pacsps
        alias rm "rm -i"
        alias ls 'ls -C --color'
        alias mailtest .mailtest

##### my additions here down #####

        alias mem "quota -v"


It is easy to add aliases right after the other ones on the format that was mentioned in the Aliased section.

Take note that these changes do not happen immediately after you save the file. You might just be able to issue the command "source ~/.cshrc" to make the changes take effect. However in some cases I have seen users actually need to logout and log back in for these changes to take effect.

Daniel J. Hood
Last modified: Tue Jan 14 22:56:00 EST 2003