[an error occurred while processing this directive]

Pro*C - Embedded SQL



Embedded SQL is a method to combine the computing power a high level language like C/C++ and the database manipulation capabilities of SQL. It allows you to execute any SQL statement from an application program.

The embedded SQL programs are compiled in two steps

  1. The ProC precompiler recognizes the SQL statements from your embedded SQL code and replaces them with the appropriate calls to the functions in the SQL runtime library. The output is pure C/C++ code with all the pure C/C++ portions intact

  2. Now you can use a regular compiler cc/c++ to compile your code (You cannot use gcc/g++)

All the SQL statements need to start with EXEC SQL and end with a semicolon. You can place the SQL statements anywhere in the code, with the restriction that the declarative statements do not come after the executable statements (a C syntax violation)

Allowed SQL statements

The SQL statements allowed by ProC are (in alphabetic order)

  1. ALTER
  5. AUDIT
  10. DROP
  12. GRANT
  13. INSERT
  14. LOCK
  16. RENAME
  17. REVOKE
  20. SELECT
  21. SET ROLE
  23. TABLE
  25. UPDATE

SQL syntax

All SQL stetements are embedded as


Preprocessor directives

The preprocessor directives that can be used with ProC are

  1. #include
  2. #if...

You cannot use macros with ProC The following code is invalid

Statement labels

You can connect C labels with SQL as in

We will come to what WHENEVER means a little later.

Host variables

Host variables are the key to communication between the host program and Oracle. A host variable can be any arbitrary C expression that resolves to an lvalue.

You declare host variables according to the rules of C, as you declare the regular C variables. The C datatypes that can be used with Oracle are

  1. char
  2. char[n]
  3. int
  4. short
  5. long
  6. float
  7. double
  8. VARCHAR[n] - This is a psuedo-type recognized by the ProC precompiler. It is used to represent blank-padded, variable length strings. ProC will convert it into a struct with a 2-byte length field and a n-byte character array.

You cannot use register storage-class specifier for the host variables.

Referencing host variables in SQL

A host variable must be prefixed with a colon (:) in SQL statements but must not be prefixed with a colon in C statements. The example above illustrated the use of host variables.

Restriction : A host variable needs to resolve to an address, so function calls and numeric expressions cannot be used for host variables. The following code is invalid:


You define pointer variables following the normal C practice, and in SQL statements prefix them with a colon as in

Indicator variables

You can associate every host variable with an optional indicator variable. An indicator variable must be defined as a 2-byte int (using the type short) and, in SQL statements, must be prefixed by a colon and must immediately follow its host variable. Or you may use the keyword INDICATOR in between the host variable and indicator variable. Examples are

  1. EXEC SQL SELECT xyz INTO :host_var :corresponding_indicator_var FROM ...
  2. EXEC SQL SELECT xyz INTO :host_var INDICATOR :corresponding_indicator_var FROM ...

Using indicator variables

You use indicator variables in the VALUES and SET clause of INSERT or UPDATE  statements to assign nulls to input host variables and in the INTO clause of SELECT statements to detect nulls or truncated values in output host variables.

Host structures

Structures can be used as host variables as in the following example

Host arrays

Arrays of host variables can be used as in the following

which will insert all the 50 tuples in one go.

Arrays can only be single dimensional. The example char name[50][11] would seem to contradict that rule. However  ProC considers name a one dimensional array of strings rather than a two dimensional array of characters. Also you can have an array of structs.

When using arrays to store the results of a query, in case the size of the array is smaller than the number of tuples outputted by the query, the first N tuples will be entered in the host array.

Datatype Equivalencing

At precompile time, a default Oracle external datatype is assigned to each host variable. Datatype equivalencing allows you to override this default equivalencing and lets you control the way Oracle interprets the inputs and formats the output data.The equivalencing can be done on a variable-by-variable basis.


You can declare a user-defined type to be a pointer, either explicitly, as a pointer to a scalar or struct type, or implicitly as an array, and then use this type in a TYPE statement. In these cases, you need to use the REFERENCE clause at the end of the statement, as shown below

typedef unsigned char   *my_raw;

my_raw   buf;
buf = malloc(4004);

Here we allocated more memory than the length (4000) because the precompiler also returns the length and can add padding after the length to satisfy the alignment restrictions of your system.

Error Handling - SQLCA

SQLCA - SQL Communications Area is used to detect errors and status changes in your program. This structure contains components that are filled in at runtime after the SQL statement is processed by Oracle.

To use it you need to include the file sqlca.h , using the #include command. In case you need to include the sqlca at many places you need to undefine the macro SQLCA by using #undef SQLCA

Oracle updates the sqlca after every executable SQL statement. By checking the return codes stored in the sqlca your program can find the status in two ways

Header file

The relevant chunk of the header file sqlca.h follows:

#ifndef SQLCA
#define SQLCA 1

struct sqlca {
   /* ub1 */ char sqlcaid[8];
   /* b4 */ long sqlabc;
   /* b4 */ long sqlcode;
   struct {
      /* ub2 */ unsigned short sqlerrml;
      /* ub1 */ char sqlerrmc[70];
   /* ub1 */ char sqlerrp[8];
   /* b4 */ long sqlerrd[6];
   /* ub1 */ char sqlwarn[8];
   /* ub1 */ char sqlext[8];

The fields in sqlca have the following meaning

sqlcaid         This string component is initialized to "SQLCA" to identify the comm area
sqlcabc This holds the length in bytes of the sqlca structure
sqlcode Status code of the most recently executed SQL statement
  • 0       No error
  • >0     Statement executed but exception detected. This occurs when Oracle cannot find a row that meets your WHERE-clause or when SELECT or FETCH returns empty
  • <0      Oracle did not execute the statement because of an error.
  • sqlerrml  - stores the length of message text.
  • sqlerrmc - stores the message text.
  • sqlerrp Future use
    sqlerrd Array of binary integers has 6 elements
    • 0 - future use
    • 1 - future use
    • 2 - numbers of rows processed by the most recent query
    • 3 - future use
    • 4 - offset that specifies the character position at which a parse error begins.
    • 5 - future use
    sqlwarn This array fo single characters has eight elements used as warning flags. Oracle sets a flag by assigning 'W' to these.
    0            Set if any other flag is set
    1 Set if truncated column value was assigned to an output host variable
    2 Set if NULL column is not used in the result of a SQL group function.
    3 Set if number of columns ina query does not equal the number of host variables specified in the INTO clause
    4 Set if every row was processed by an UPDATE or DELETE statement without a WHERE clause.
    5 Ignore this flag (Concerns embedded PL/SQL)
    6 No longer in use
    7 No longer in use
    sqlext Reserved for future use

    Text of error messages

    The sqlca can accomodate error messages upto 70 characters long. To get the full text of longer (or nested) error messages, you need the sqlglm function.


    message_buffer Is the text buffer in which you want Oracle to store the text.
    buffer_size Maximum size of buffer in bytes
    message_length The actual length of the error-message, returned by Oracle.

    The maximum length of an Oracle error message is 512 bytes including the error code, nested messages, and message inserts as table and column names.

    WHENEVER statement

    This statement allows you to do automatic checking and error handling. The syntax is

    EXEC SQL WHENEVER <condition> <action> ;




    Use example

    C++ users

    To get the precompiler to generate appropriate C++ code you need to be aware of the following considerations

    Demo Programs

    The demo programs are available in the directory /usr/class/cs145/code/proc named sample*.pc (for C users) and cppdemo*.pc (for C++ users). pc is an extension for pro*C code. Please don't copy the files manually , since there are a couple of customizations to do. So, to download the sample programs and customize them, just:

    1. Make sure that you have run source cora.env
    2. Run load_samples <db_username> <db_passwd> <sample_dir>, (e.g., load_samples scott@cs tiger cs145_samples)
    3. Run cd <sample_dir>
    4. Run make samples (or make cppsamples for C++) to compile all the samples.
    5. Run the samples.
    6. Code your own embedded SQL programs, compile and run them.

    Step (1) will create a new directory as specified in <sample_dir> and copy the sample files to the directory. It will also change the user name and passwd in the samples to be yours, so that you don't have to type in the oracle username and password everytime when running a sample. However, sample1 and cppdemo1 do provide an interface for user to input the username and password, in case you'd like to learn how to do it.

    If you happen to make any mistake with the entered username or passwd in Step (1), just run clean_samples <db_username> <db_passwd> <sample_dir> to uninstall the sample files and redo Step (1).

    For step (4), you can also compile each sample seperately. For example, make sample1 compiles sample1.pc seperately. What it does is to generate executables for sample1 using the Makefile. The compilation proceeds in 2 phases:

    1. proc iname=sample1.pc
      which will convert the embedded sql code to the corresponding library calls.
    2. cc (A number of flags) sample1.c
      which will generate the executable sample1

    To compile your own files, just change a few variables in Makefile -- add your program name foo to variable SAMPLES and the source code name foo.pc to variable SAMPLE_SRC. Then, do make foo after foo.pc is ready. foo.pc will be precompiled to foo.c and then compiled to foo, the executable. C++ users will need to add their program name to CPPSAMPLES instead of SAMPLES, and source filename to CPPSAMPLE_SRC instead of SAMPLE_SRC.

    The sample programs operate on the following database:

        NUMBER(2) NOT NULL,
               VARCHAR2(13)       )

          NUMBER(4) NOT NULL,
        MGR     NUMBER(4),
              NUMBER(7, 2),
            NUMBER(7, 2),
        NUMBER(2)          )

    These tables are created automatically after you run load_samples in Step (1). A few tuples are inserted. You may like to browse the tables before running the samples on them. You can also play with them as you like (e.g., adding or changes tuples).

    NOTE: If you have a table with the same name as a sample table, you should be very careful when running the samples, especially when creating and dropping the sample tables. Make sure not to drop your own table by mistake. Neither should you leave the sample tables in your database after runing the samples, if they conflict with your own tables. You can drop the sample tables manually in sqlplus or by running clean_samples.

    You should take a look at a sample's source code before running it. The comments at the top of the source code tell what the sample program does. For example, what sample1 does is to take an employees EMPNO and get the name, salary and commision for that employee from the table EMP.

    You are supposed to look at the source code of the samples and learn the following.

    Then, you can use these techniques to code your own PDA interface program. and have fun!