Using Scheme on GL

We've asked DoIT to install a copy of MzScheme on the GL system. Until this is completed, you can use a copy of mzscheme that I have installed in my area.

MzScheme (pronounced Mizz Scheme) is a simple terminal oriented interpreter for scheme that can be called from the command line and uses a simple terminal style interface, i.e., it does not require a graphical user interface. This is, in fact, the interpretation engine that underlies the DrScheme environment.

Until MzScheme is installed in a central place on the GL file system, I sugest you create a symbolic link to the insallation in my public directory on gl. Here is how you might do it it you are remotely logging in from a computer using a command like ssh or putty.

~> ssh
WARNING: UNAUTHORIZED ACCESS to this computer is in violation of Criminal
personnel.'s password:
Last login: Tue Sep 30 23:02:15 2008 from

UMBC Division of Information Technology

[finin@linux2 ~]$ ln -s /afs/ mz

Once you have done that, you might look at what's in the mz directory

[finin@linux2 ~]$ ls mz
bin collects doc include lib man readme.txt

To invoke the scheme interpreter, just execute mz/bin/mzscheme. Subsequent input will be habdled by scheme's REPL (read-eval-print-loop), i.e., yur input will be read, evaluated and the resulting value printed by the scheme interpreter.

[finin@linux2 ~]$ mz/bin/mzscheme
Welcome to MzScheme v4.1 [3m], Copyright (c) 2004-2008 PLT Scheme Inc.
> (+ 1 2)

Finally, for your convenience, you might add the following lines to your .cshrc file.

alias mzscheme '~/mz/bin/mzscheme'
alias scheme 'mzscheme'

So that you can invoke the mzschme interpreter with the command scheme.