quantum simulation and game

quantum knot mosaic game

You can put mosaic chips on a grid to make quantum knots. There is some error checking and a score is displayed. Sample output where three knots were entered is: A single .java files can be downloaded and run on Windows 10, Linux, and MAC OSX. knotmosaic.java source code

alpha release, there are a few errors

OK to notify squire@umbc.edu for corrections and additions A quick look at quantum circuits, explained in braket_cpp.out

bra ket simulation braket.cpp

braket.cpp source code braket_cpp.out output qfunct.h required source code qgates.h required source code

quantum circuit and logic simulation of nand gate

nand.cpp source code nand_cpp.out output Some of output: circuit diagram for quantum nand a --.----- a | b --.----- b | |1> --X------ nand = not(a and b) truth table output inputs | output a b | nand = not(a and b) ---------|------ |0> |0> | |1> |0> |1> | |1> |1> |0> | |1> |1> |1> | |0>

quantum circuit and logic simulation of nor gate

nor.cpp source code nor_cpp.out output Some of output: circuit diagram for quantum nor a --x--.---X-- a | b --x--.---X-- b | |0> -----X------ nor = not(a or b) truth table output inputs | output a b | nor = not(a or b) ---------|------ |0> |0> | |1> |0> |1> | |0> |1> |0> | |0> |1> |1> | |0>

quantum circuit and logic simulation of and gate

and.cpp source code and_cpp.out output Some of output: circuit diagram for quantum and, nand with extra not a ----.------- a | b ----.------- b | |1> ----X---X--- and = a and b truth table output inputs | output a b | and = a and b ---------|------ |0> |0> | |0> |0> |1> | |0> |1> |0> | |0> |1> |1> | |1>

quantum circuit factoring output of gates

factor.txt development, algorithm factor.cpp source code factor_cpp.out output factor3.cpp source code factor3_cpp.out output

bra ket simulation of full adder qadder.cpp

qadder.cpp source code qadder_cpp.out output

bra ket simulation of quantum FFT fast fourier transform qft.cpp

qft.cpp source code qft_cpp.out output

bra ket simulation of Don's root sigma x gate don_t.cpp

don_t.txt matrices don_t.cpp source code don_t_cpp.out output

bra ket simulation quantum.py using Python2

quantum.py source code quantum_py.out output

bra ket simulation quantum.py3 using Python3

quantum.py3 source code quantum_py3.out output

bra ket simulation qfunct.py just quantum functions

qfunct.py just functions source code test_qfunct.py test using qfunct.py source code test_qfunct_py.out output

development code for full adder

qadder.py source code qadder_py.out output

simulator for Dwave type quantum computer

This takes exponential time in number of qubits, "s"

qmisim.c executes one quantum instruction, Ising Hamiltonian

Makefile_qmisim to run test cases qmisim.c source code and.qmi tiny test data and_qmi.out output and3.qmi tiny test data and3_qmi.out output xor.qmi tiny test data xor_qmi.out output

qubit connectivity, legal coupling functions and energy

coupling.c source code coupling_c.out output geom.txt example coupling energy.txt minimum energy

under development knot.html

last updated 5/1/2019