/* deriv.c includes deriv, rderiv, nuderiv */ /* order is order of derivative, 1 = first derivative, 2 = second */ /* points is number of points where value of function is known */ /* f(x0), f(x1), f(x2) ... f(x points-1) */ /* point is the term where derivative is computed */ /* f'(x0) = (1/bh^order)*( a(0)*f(x0) + a(1)*f(x1) */ /* + ... + a(points-1)*f(x points-1) */ /* uniformly spaced points x1=x0+h, x2=x1+h=x1+2*h, ... */ /* */ /* rderiv returns c[0]=(1/bh^order)*a[0] ... */ /* */ /* nuderiv works for non-uniformly spaced points */ /* */ /* algorithm: use divided differences to get polynomial p(x) that */ /* approximates f(x). f(x)=p(x)+error term */ /* f'(x) = p'(x) + error term' */ /* substitute xj = x0 + j*h */ /* substitute x = x0 to get p'(x0) etc */ #include #include #include #undef abs #define abs(x) (((x)<0.0)?(-(x)):(x)) static int gcd(int a, int b) { int a1, b1, q, r; if(a==0 || b==0) return 1; if(abs(a)>abs(b)) { a1 = abs(a); b1 = abs(b); } else { a1 = abs(b); b1 = abs(a); } r=1; while(r!=0) { q = a1 / b1; r = a1 - q * b1; a1 = b1; b1 = r; } return a1; } /* end gcd */ void deriv(int order, int npoints, int point, int *a, int *bb) { /* compute the exact coefficients to numerically compute a derivative */ /* of order 'order' using 'npoints' at ordinate point, */ /* where order>=1, npoints>=order+1, 0 <= point < npoints, */ /* 'a' array returned with numerator of coefficients, */ /* 'bb' returned with denominator of h^order */ int h[100]; /* coefficients of h */ int x[100]; /* coefficients of x, variable for differentiating */ int numer[100][100]; /* numerator of a term numer[term][pos] */ int denom[100]; /* denominator of coefficient */ int i, j, k, term, b; int jorder, ipower, isum, iat, jterm, r; int debug = 0; if(npoints<=order) { printf("ERROR in call to deriv, npoints=%d < order=%d+1=%d \n\n", npoints, order, order+1); return; } for(term=0; term0) for(i=0; i0)printf("p(x)= %d x^%d at term=%d \n", numer[term][j], j, term); } /* have p(x) for this 'term' */ /* differentiate 'order' number of times */ for(jorder=0; jorder0) for(i=0; i0) printf("f^(%d)(x[%d]) = (1/h^%d) (%d/%d f(x[%d]) + \n", order, iat, order, a[jterm], denom[jterm], jterm); } if(debug>0) printf("\n"); b = 0; for(jterm=0; jtermb) b=denom[jterm]; /* largest denominator */ } for(jterm=0; jterm0) printf("f^(%d)(x[%d])=(1/%dh^%d)(%d f(x[%d]) + \n", order, iat, b, order, a[jterm], jterm); } /* end computing terms of coefficients */ *bb = b; } /* end deriv */ /* nuderiv.c non uniformly spaced derivative coefficients */ static void inverse(int n, double A[], double AA[]); void nuderiv(int order, int npoint, int point, double x[], double c[]) { double *A; double *AI; double *fct; double pwr; int i, j, k, n; n = npoint; A = (double *)calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)); AI = (double *)calloc(n*n, sizeof(double)); fct = (double *)calloc(n, sizeof(double)); for(i=0; i ABS_PIVOT ){ I_PIVOT = i ; J_PIVOT = j ; PIVOT = AA[ROW[i]*n+COL[j]] ; } } } if(abs(PIVOT) < 1.0E-12){ free(ROW); free(COL); free(TEMP); printf("nuderiv MATRIX is SINGULAR !!! \n"); return; } HOLD = ROW[k]; ROW[k]= ROW[I_PIVOT]; ROW[I_PIVOT] = HOLD ; HOLD = COL[k]; COL[k]= COL[J_PIVOT]; COL[J_PIVOT] = HOLD ; /* reduce about pivot */ AA[ROW[k]*n+COL[k]] = 1.0 / PIVOT ; for (j=0; j=1, npoints>=order+1, 0 <= point < npoints, */ /* 'c' array returned with the coefficients, */ int i, bb[1], a[100]; double hpower, aa[100]; if(order+npoints<=15) { deriv(order, npoints, point, a, bb); hpower = h; for(i=1; i